Monday, December 27, 2010

So, you got a Christmas Puppy!

this was a three room condo in the basement for
the litter of pups, notice the cheap vinyl flooring and the sides were
made from wood. The condo had a potty area, feeding area
and play area each room was accessible through doors or ramps
which I could easily close for for cleaning.  The pups here were about
6 or 7 weeks old.  

This was a ramp to the potty area. At 8 weeks old
potty was taught to be outside.

First the Sally rant, hey, you knew it was coming!

All I can say to some is Congratulations, and to others, OMG! What were you thinking? Each year I hear a lot of Christmas puppy questions normally  about house training, or nipping the kids, but there is one question I hear which really drives me crazy and it goes like this. ‘Is it okay to leave the puppy alone for a long time during the day? I start back to school and my parents go back to work so the puppy will be alone 8 or 9 hours a day.’

WHAT? I ask with a slight bodily twitch! I just want to smack someone when I hear this! (And it only need be the nearest person to me, not the actual person who's asking the question! )  What were they thinking? I understand a kid not getting it, but parents? Come on! Who do you think is most likely going to suffer from this act? Yup, the dog!

I’m sorry folks, but I must vent before offering solutions because let’s face it, it’s my blog and I'll vent if I want to! (as memories of the old song "It's my party and I'll cry if I want too!" dance through my head) 

I am not perfect by any means ( just ask my kids), but when it comes to another living creature I do try to plan things out as it regards to my situation and the safety that might surround it. I do believe I took this subject up in my schooling years … way back when they called it…um… oh yeah, "Common sense 101!"

Puppies are usually purchased at 8 weeks of age if they’re lucky enough to stay with their litter for that length of time anymore. People are so into making a profit off of their dogs that puppies are leaving the nest as early as five weeks old, which is totally ridiculous.

I have to ask, would one feel safe leaving their 8 week old baby in a crib all day and expect nothing to happen? Basically the kid and the dog have the same thought process and bodily functions! Only your kid probably wouldn't eat its diaper! Okay, okay, a toddler might!

NEVER buy  a puppy to teach kids how to be responsible! Kids are not responsible until they are adults, and even then it is questionable!  Remember this is another life you are asking your kids to be responsible for. Would you really want to rely on them to feed and cloth your great Aunt Betty that lives alone? Of course not!  Puppies are fun, but kids should not be given the job of caring for them. When I was a kid I wanted a dog so bad I begged my mother constantly, telling her I would care for it. I never got that dog and thank goodness my mother knew best!

Alright Sally, take a deep breath! (I remind myself)

So you did it, what now? It’s time to rectify the situation as best you can.

A young pup should not be left alone longer than two to four hours daily without someone checking up on it and even at that, don’t expect it will be able to hold its bowel and bladder. You are more than likely going to come home to a mess, both a messy crate and stinky dog because it was forced to lie in the mess it made. This type of situation can also make it harder to potty train them later on as the dog learns to sleep and eat where it  eliminated, which goes against every fiber of a dog’s being. Sometimes this can be very hard to retrain.

If you must leave longer than four hours have a neighbor or relative bring your young pup out for you every two to three hours so it learns to eliminate outside. If you can’t find someone you know, then hire someone. Sometimes, when looking at family or friends for the job, it may be a more enticing if you offer to pay them!

Check out doggie day care centers as they are a big help for someone who needs to be away all day and if there are no doggie day care centers in your area, again, go to a friend /relative and offer to pay them to bring the dog into their home. There are many people who don't work outside the home, or they only have a part time job so they may be looking to make a little extra spending money and may happen to like dogs!
(for pet sitters net of the US click here)

If needed, you could run an ad in the local paper that you are willing to pay for a babysitter for your dog and that you will drop the dog off and pick it up. Of course you want someone who is knowledgeable in dogs and in potty training. Ask them how they would handle certain situations with the dog. Would they be able to put the dog on a schedule, and what is their knowledge of dogs as a whole? If you are paying someone to do this, you can ask the same questions you would ask a certified babysitter. Never be afraid to ask a question when you are dealing with a life! Don’t pick a person who believes that sticking a dog’s nose in its excrement will prevent it from happening again. Feel free to print this article off my blog on potty training 101 and hand it to a potential caretaker!

They should be knowledgeable about your breed of dog as well so they know the amount of exercise and food it will require through the day. Also, supply a pet first aid kit which can be purchased through the American Red Cross, a pet store, or you can make your own as many people do not have these in their home. Inside the kit put your phone number, your Vet's phone number, as well as an emergency Vet number should it be after hours, and the pet poison control hotline number.  Write down directions on how to make the pup vomit if it ate something it should not have, such as a poisonous plant (always call a vet or pet poison control first to see if vomiting should be induced) as well as write down the normal temperature for a dog and  other vital signs so the caretaker if needed, can describe to a Vet what they are seeing. Sometimes in an emergency everything we once knew flies right out of our head!

Have a contract in place as to what you expect the sitter to do in an emergency. Do you want them to call you before going to the vet? Everything should be written down, signed and dated by both parties.

Look into 4H, Girl/Boy Scouts, or after school programs that may be willing to take your pup in for the afternoon and not only play with it but also train it. Finding a program to do this for the last couple of hours on the home stretch can wear your pup out and make the evening for both of you more pleasurable as the dog won’t be so wound up.  Ask the leaders of the organization what they would like in return for doing this. Most may not be able to take money, but they probably can take donated craft items, a pizza party for the kids, movie passes, etc.

Such programs can contact a reputable local dog trainer and ask if they would be willing to donate an hour (or more) a week and show the kids how to train a dog. ( For Association of pet dog trainers click here)

Many therapy dogs are now in  ‘read to dogs’ programs so this can really turn into a win, win situation! This will also keep your puppy socialized with many different people which is always a good thing.
 click for Read to dogs video

Remember your pup is only as penned up as your imagination is!

Can’t find anyone to care for the pup?

Try to come home at your lunch hour to check on the dog and replenish whatever is needed. Know that small breeds may need to eat throughout the day to keep the blood sugar up.

Invest in an X pen for small pups to keep them from chewing on your furniture, cabinets or getting into harms way. Crate the pup in a regular dog crate for half the day and then put the pup in the x pen at the lunch hour and leave them with mind stimulating toys to keep them busy. Don’t leave any toy that can be destroyed or eaten, especially stuffed toys. Purchase items like the buster cube, the treat dispensing ball, giggle ball, and a few Kong toys, (fill the Kong’s with different items, one with peanut butter one with cream cheese and freeze them so they'll last longer) . There are so many mind stimulating toys for dogs and it is a good idea to interchange them so they always seem new to the dog. To keep the dog from gaining too much weight from food filled toys, you can fill these toys with some of the daily dose of kibble and some Cheerios instead of just treats, or buy non fat treats.

For a list of semi Indestructible toys click here  ( though nothing is truly indestructible)

Puppy pads, ugh, not my favorite. If there’s one thing that will teach your dog to piss on a rug faster than anything, it’s a puppy pad. Eventually the dog does not decipher between the pads on the floor and the rug on the floor, especially if the dog is left alone all day.

If you must allow the dog to potty inside, use a grass patch or dog litter so it at least feels more like what a dog would find in the outside world. Get two of whichever product you decide you want to place in the dog’s area because  many people do not realize that dogs rarely  poop and pee in the same place, even in the outside world, so lay one on one side of the pen and one on the other side.
This does not mean you won’t come home to a mess, but at least you are showing the dog a different feel under the feet until it can learn to go outside.

Use spill proof water bowls or use water bottles so you don’t have that mess to contend with.
I  recommend the  Buddy bowl as the best spill proof bowl I have found so far, however it is not chew proof.

Weather permitting, the dog can be put in an outside pen but you must be sure to leave the same mind stimulating toys with the dog. Also, secure and puppy proof the pen area as you would inside the home. Check for unsafe plants the dog may be able to pull through the fencing, check for areas where the dog may dig out of, or areas that he can squeeze through. In other words batten down the hatches and watch how the dog reacts in there for a day or two before walking away thinking all is fine. My 170 lb dog was able to squeeze through about 4 inches of bent  chain link fencing to get out of his pen. Remember these words, "if there is will, there is way!"

NEVER leave a choke collar or any type of training collar on a dog that is left alone or you may come home to find that the dog has hung itself to death. Use a break away collar or harness, no collar at all, or loosen the original collar so the dog can get out of it should it get hung up on a crate or a branch.  Nothing is ever fool proof or guaranteed but do the best you can.

Some dogs are clever or desperate enough to climb over the top of a pen, either an outside pen or an x pen so you want to cover the pen with something to make it look like there is no way out over the top. You can attach wire fencing or a strong fitting tarp. In some instances you can take some chicken wire and attach it to the top of the pen then bend it in so that it gives the appearance to the dog that the whole pen is covered.

No matter where you leave your dog always get down on the dog’s level to check for safety. If you put yourself on their level you can actually see things that would tempt a curious puppy such as wires /cords, air freshener plug- ins, plants either live or fake, cloth such as bedspreads, even molding is not safe from a curious puppy. If you have wires that must remain in place then purchase some small PVC piping and run them through that, just remember to unplug items and tuck the plug just inside the piping where the pup can’t reach it while you are gone.

Buy a piece of vinyl flooring that will lay completely flat under the pen (no edges inside the pen) so that your own flooring is not ruined. These pieces can be found wherever flooring is sold and for about 20-25 dollars. It will save you from a big headache!  The cheap vinyl floor can be thrown out when no longer needed.

Dogie doors can be an owner’s best friend as well and they now make them to fit in sliding glass doors so just a small fenced area off the back door should keep your pup satisfied through the day. But do remember to check for possible hazards that can harm your dog.

Hopefully this has been of some help to relieve some of the stress you may feel once life has returned to a somewhat normal pace after the holiday and now that your new pup is here.
As always, any other suggestions are gladly welcome!

Until next time,  Happy training:)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Another best blog award?

I have to admit I am surprised when I stumble upon my blog title  as I really do not know what is going on as it pertains to blogs, blog awards, blog votes, blog traffic, etc. My  intent for this blog has always been  just to write about my passion, which is dogs. It makes me no money that I am aware, and it yeilds me no free products (unless it does and the neighbor is taking them!).  I will always be truthful on products old and new that my dogs have used, or on products that are used by the dog club I am associated with  should they offer an opinion.

  Thanks to all who may read it and find it helpful. My door is always open for listening to views on products, dog woes, or other dog views.

I guess you can vote here for my blog and leave comments, but then again, I really don't know! I think I need a computer wizard by my side to tell me what is going on!

My brood and I would like to wish everyone a very happy holiday, whatever you celebrate, may  it be safe, happy, and may good health lead you through the new year.

Kind regards,
Chance, Steeler, Abby ,Emma, Bentley, & Casey
(oh yes, there is a human family too! & Peter )

Monday, December 20, 2010

latest on the Pet food recall from Kroger

Please check this  updated link. There are a list of  package numbers and sell by dates.  I wil update you as I get them.


KROGER IS RECALLING DOG FOOD DUE TO AFLATOXIN! Since it is aflatoxin I suspect you may be seeing more recalls of other foods as this is a growth of fungus which affects the liver. Read here

Pet pride kitten food, Old Yeller Chunk Food , Kroger Value Cat food and Kroger Value Chunk Food.
Chech this link

Many thanks to Karen from the Susquehanna Trail Dog  Training club for the notification!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Finding help when you need it

Chance,After Cruciate Ligament surgery
Before I begin, for those of you that get my blog via a direct needle into your email vein, the previous post you received on low cost spay and neutering will now make more sense to you!

I used to have money set aside just for my dog’s veterinary care, but cuts in salary, health issues with both dogs and humans alike have wiped out what was once a lucrative pet fund. Trying to get it started again at times seems doable and at other times seems near impossible. Hopefully the economy will soon pick up or some medical scientist in the world will develop a miracle ‘stay healthy pill’ for both pets and their human companions!

This dilemma gave me pause for thought and sent me to a vet forum to ask how patrons and vets can come together and find a solution so that the animals weren’t the ones to suffer and so that the vets could still be compensated reasonably, in a reasonable amount of time. I mentioned the possibility of an old fashioned bartering system between patient and vet. After all, back in the day, bartering was done when times got tough. I realize I am dating myself because I do remember the oil man filling our tank and my dad, being a butcher, giving him some meat to hold us over until payments could be made.

While only a few Vets responded to the question, it was not as encouraging as I was hoping it would be, nor was I ready for the small spark that could ignite a stick of dynamite and put so many on the defensive. A spark that I did not mean to set off and I think it was destructive for these reasons. First because I had asked the question in the wrong way by using a poor example of what I was trying to find out, and second, many Vets are burned out with ‘compassion fatigue’ hearing one excuse after another as to why a patient can’t make a payment. So, before this stick of dynamite was able to totally explode and burn down a town, I rephrased the question, which made more sense and some were able to put together helpful insights for pet owners.

This rephrasing of the question however did not put out the spark completely and I am realizing how very annoyed and bitter some vets are feeling because the public perception is that Vets should want to treat our sick animals just because they’ve chosen a compassionate field of work. A question I often hear from John Q Public is, “Why did they get into this business in the first place if not to help sick or injured animals?”

The key phrase is right in front of your face, “This business!” Would you expect any other business to service you if you stated that you couldn’t pay the whole amount due at the time? One could argue that a human physician might, at times, forgo full payment at the time of the visit, but on the other hand, either health insurance or government subsidies could cover a big chunk of that payment. As well it is a law that they cannot turn anyone away from an emergency room.

Our pets are seen as property by the law and sadly are not any more special than the vehicles that sit in our driveway. We may treat them like they are family members yet when it comes to vet care we sometimes skimp and often put off bringing our pet in for care because of the anticipated cost. I have to admit, I too am guilty of this. I may let a medication slide because I don’t have the extra money that month, I may seek cheaper alternatives to buy medications elsewhere which in some cases is not a good thing to do. Medications such as heartworm pills can be purchased cheaper from other countries but as recent as this year we have seen such medications either be deemed as counterfeit, or they are not regulated leaving you paying for expired meds, improper doses, or improper medication entirely. When you buy these meds (heartworm or worming pills) from your vet if something is wrong with them and they do not do the job intended, most vets will treat the pet at no cost to you.

As stated above, my goal when I posed the question was to find a common ground that we as humans in general could pull together to benefit not only our pets, but at the same time find a way to reasonably compensate our veterinarians.

There is a popular website called “speaking for spot” which has a listing of places that will help you if you can’t pay your vet bill. It became a very popular site when the economy started to fall. So, I called a few of the charities on this list, which basically just gave me a higher phone bill. Within the first five charities I called, only one charity answered. The first charity I called had a disconnected number, the second never answered, the third, had a voicemail that stated only a licensed Vet could make the request for funds (I’m sure that’s added time to a vet’s day that they really want!), the fourth just rang for what seemed like ages before I hung up, and the fifth one picked up! This particular charity called “God's Creatures” is based in New Jersey making me think twice about those Jerseyites!

When I asked the person from “God’s Creatures” if this was the group that helped people with vet payment, the woman hesitantly said, “Yeah.” And it was not in an optimistic tone. I told her of my intent regarding this article and that I did not wish to seek any donation for myself. Then her tone picked up a bit. My next question was, “Are you finding it harder to help people who need assistance for their pet?" Her answer was, “Definitely.” She stated that the most they might be able to do is offset a payment by sending a $50.00check to a vet, but at times they were getting stonewalled by vets who wanted the money in their hands at the time of service. Needless to say that this woman seemed as put off by the same Veterinarian attitudes as I had been when I first posted my question in the Vet forum. However, once I started to explain to the women the Vet’s side of the situation she became a little more understanding just as I had become, but again she brought it back to that general perception of “why did they get in that profession if they aren’t going to help?”

This does seem to be the general consensus across the board. But it’s like asking me to babysit your child for free just because I like my job working with young children! I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t do that. Well okay, I might once or twice if you were really desperate!

The lady from God's Creatures did suggest that anyone can raise funds through a walk- a- thon, or maybe ask their church or school to do a fundraiser, but I don’t think starting a fund is the problem. The problem lies in keeping up with it. People are working two and three jobs just to keep their homes! Where are they ever going to find time to raise funds for pets and keep the fundraising going? That is the big question!

If you wish check out the “speaking for spot” website you can find it here. Sadly, I hold out little hope that there are still funds available.

One suggestion proposed by a vet in the forum was to apply for ‘Care Credit’ which can be done right in the vet’s office. But this is a credit card which not everyone is approved for. The interest rate is 26.99 percent and there is a $29.99 late charge. Your best bet is to use a lower interest rate credit card and if you feel at this point in your life that your credit rating is in good standing, get that card now and lock it in a safe until you really need it!

My friend and fellow dog trainer Jane, whose daughter works at a vet office, told me of how the employees in that office put a dollar or two of their paycheck into a pot to help offset the cost of someone who really needs the help. This was a joy for my ears to delight in and made me have faith once again in humanity! As a patron, I too would give to such a fund in my Vet’s office if I had a little extra.

Dr. Fiona, my much grounded voice of reason from Canada who always takes the time to give me a quote or some guidance told me of the Farley Foundation which was set up by the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association. You Canadians can find that here.

I was also able to find this site for the UK here

My friend Candy, a Vet Tech who worked on the business side of a vet office as well as the care side, was able to bring reasoning to both sides of the dilemma , point them out accordingly, and offer up suggestions as well as provided sites with low cost spay and neuter across the US. However her list was too long for me to post with this article so you can find it on the previous blog article or by typing in low cost spay neuter by state in the search box at the top of this page. Thank you Candy for doing so much work!

I was also able to find a site called United Animal Nations which covers the needs state by state. Some of the information provided is for food banks, large animal and small animal care, as well as vet care, and spay/ neuter. You can also donate to this site if you want to.

I also like the fact that they have a Face book page which is kept updated.  All who know me know I am a HUGE FB fan! This just may be worth checking out for the rest of you.

Two days in a row this week I had the pleasure of brining my dogs into the vet to update shots so they can maintain their therapy dog status. Taking off on Jane’s idea regarding vet workers putting a dollar or two of their own into a donation bin, I asked the vet who was examining my dog Chance, if he knew of any legal ramifications to the vet office if they set a donation jar out for the public so that we could also contribute. Since he was not the owner of the business, he did not know for sure but thought it might be worth talking to the owner about. That’s a step in the right direction and I do hope he does this. Had there been such a jug in the waiting room upon checking out, I would have gladly put in a dollar or two. Most people love animals, but they don’t think of such situations until it is placed right in front of them and what better place than the very vet office they are taking their pets to?

So here are some suggestions, you can take ‘em or leave ‘em and if anyone has other suggestions or ideas please feel free to leave a comment.

1) It may not be first on your mind, but if your pet account is low or has been hit hard, have a yard sale and get rid of junk you don’t use anymore. Put that money aside for your pet. It will seem like you’re getting started again without actually touching your pay check or bank account; so in essence, you’re tricking your own mind!

2) (Via Vet Tech Candy) Talk to your vet about setting up a running account, give them money when you can to keep in an account to pay or lower the cost of your next visit. You are not going to get any interest on that money, but if it gives you peace of mind knowing you have money with your vet office should an emergency creep up, then it’s worth it.

3) Keep up with yearly exams and vaccinations. Vaccinations alone can prevent illness as can heartworm meds. Preventative measures can in the long run, save you money.

4) Call the Humane Society or ASPCA to locate a food bank if you are having trouble buying pet food.

5) Check out breed specific clubs. While limited in the breeds, it is worth checking out. These can also be found on the humane society's web page

6) Ask your vet if a prescription for medications needed can be written out and given to you rather than filled at the vet office. Places like Walmart can fill that prescription for a much less. Click Here for a list of meds that Walmart carries which you can get a prescription for. My hubby Peter recently did this for me upon our second bout of diarrhea that overtook our canine household and it was a big savings as well the vet made it refillable.

7) This site put out by the Humane Society is a great source of information on much of what has been discussed above.

8) Here is The humane society: Assistance by state

9) Check out Veterinary schools and see if they charge less. Here are some listings that may be in your area.

10) IF you live in a city, seek out vets in a more rural area as they may be less expensive.

11) I also heard from a Vet Tech who said her vet office did accept some bartering of a long time customer who suddenly fell on hard times. He would do sanding and painting in the building at times even exceeding what vet may charge for a visit. So if you are a professional at something and a long time patron you may want to ask what you can do for them. Of course put everything in writing so the Vet knows you are serious and both sides are protected. This will only work if the vet is the owner of the business. In Canada though, a Vet could loose their license if they do bartering, via Canadian law.

12) Keep an eye out in local newspapers and vet offices for rabies clinics as many non profit agencies team up with vets to help their own animal causes and offer low cost vaccines during these events.

13) If all else fails move to California where all those actors that are making more than they’re worth are at least making a difference for Animals in Need. No offense Hollywood, but most of your average Joe’s living in the USA work just as hard and make diddly squat for the luxury of having a job at all! On a sad note though after visiting this site, they also seem to be out of money! But I would check back with each New Year.

In closing I am posting this quote from a friend and retired veterinarian, Dr. Pete who speaks of the original feeling one may have had for the the profession years ago and how all of us have played a role in this breakdown we see today.

"I don't know if the original "fire" for the profession still generates enough heat to keep an altruistic spirit warm. The client loyalty that used to exist in most professions has waned in the last 30 years. And there is enough blame, on both sides, to explain it. Not everything can be justified or denied based on economics of the situation. What goes around, I guess, does come around."

Thursday, December 9, 2010

low cost spay neuter clinics by state.


Feral Cat Coalition

Fairhope AL


For feral and stray cats.

Baldwin County Humane Society

Baldwin County AL


For pets.


Huntsville AL 35811


Humane Society of Etowah County

Gadsden, AL 35901


Humane Society of Shelby County

Columbiana, AL



Anchorage Animal Hospital

Anchorage, AK


Alaska SPCA Spay/Neuter Clinic

Anchorage, AK 99518



Discount Spay/Neuter

Gilbert, AZ


Pet cats and feral cats. No appointments necessary for ferals.

S/N Clinic

Mesa AZ


Spay Neuter Clinic

Tempe AZ


Pet Pride of Arizona (cats only)

Scottsdale AZ


Burke Vet Hospital

Tempe AZ


Need to be refered by AAWL, humane society, or Pet Pride.

Aztec Animal Hospital

Scottsdale AZ


Aloha Animal Hospital

Scottsdale AZ


Humane Society of Santa Cruz County

Nogales AZ


For feral and pet cats.

Good Samaritan Program

Tucson, AZ


Free spay/neuter for pets of qualified low income residents.

Humane Society of Tucson

Low cost spay/neuter clinic

Tucson, AZ 85716


Spay/Neuter Hotline of Arizona

Pima County


Animal Crusaders of Arizona, Inc.

Tucson, AZ 85751


Low cost spay/neuter for animals of low income people and for rescued animals.

Animal Defense League of AZ

Spay/Neuter Hotline

602-265-7729 Maricopa

Van Aken Pet Hospital

Phoenix, AZ


Maricopa Count Animal Control Services

City of Phoenix S/N Program


Low income people may qualify for free or very low cost spay/neuter services for their pets.

North Phoenix S and N Clinic


S/N Clinic

Phoenix AZ



Spay and Neuter Assistance Program

(S.N.A.P. Clinic)

Phoenix, AZ


Low cost s/n for every one. Also low cost vaccination clinics held twice a month.

HALO Animal Rescue

Phoenix AZ


Spay/Neuter Hotline of Arizona

Graham County


Spay/Neuter Hotline of Arizona

Yavapai County


East County Animal Guardian Angels Inc

Wellton AZ



North Little Rock Friends of Animals

North Little Rock AR


Arkansans for Animals (AFA) - Spay/Neuter Arkansas

Toll free 800-956-7289


Humane Society of the Ozarks

413 N. College, Suite 7

Fayetteville, AR 72701


Fayetteville Animal Shelter

Low Cost Spay/Neuter Program

Fayetteville AR 72701

479-444-3456 or 479-718-7696

Provides low cost s-n for pets of people who have proof of low income. Call for an application. After application is approved, you can call for an appointment.

Randolph County Humane Society

Pocahontas, AR 72455


Eastern Madera SPCA

Oakhurst, CA


Discount certificates for s/n of cats of qualifying low income people.

Los Angeles Animal Services

Los Angeles, CA


Free spay/neuter to pets of low income residents 62 or older.

Animal Birth Control

Los Angeles, CA 90064


Animal Birth Control

Lomita, CA 90717


SNAP (Spay Neuter Assistance Program)

Los Angeles CA


Free s/n in Los Angeles.

Pet Assistance Foundation

South Bay Chapter

Hawthorne, CA 90251


Low cost spay/neuter for all pet cats.

North Figueroa Animal Hospital

Los Angeles CA


Animal Birth Control

San Jose CA


Humane Society of Santa Clara Valley

2530 Lafayette Street

Santa Clara, CA


Low cost spay/neuter, testing, and vaccinations for ferals and pets.

City of San Jose

San Jose, CA 95110



For any cat residing in San Jose.

St. Francis of Assisi Spay Clinic

San Martin, CA


Open two days a week for free spay/neuter and low cost vaccinations.

Animal Birth Control Clinic

738 A Street

San Rafael, CA 94901


Low cost clinic for spaying, neutering, and vaccinations.

San Francisco SPCA

San Francisco, CA 94103


Low cost spay/neuter for pets and ferals.

Marin Humane Society

Novato, CA


Low cost spay/neuter clinic and low cost exams and vaccines.

Fix Our Ferals

Berkeley/Oakland CA


Oakland SPCA

Spay/Neuter Clinic

Oakland, CA


Animal Save

Grass Valley CA


Low cost s/n clinic and free s/n for pets of low income people. To determine if you qualify for the free s/n of pets, call 530-271-0220.

Pet Adoption League

Grass Valley CA


For pets and ferals.

Nevada County Sheriff's Office Animal Control

Grass Valley Ca


Provides discount coupons for s/n a few times a year.

Butte County Humane Society

2379 Fair Street

Chico, CA


Low cost or free spay/neuter in exchange for a specific number of hours volunteer work for the humane society in advance. Since there's usually a two-month waiting list for spay/neuter appointments, it's best to start work at least two months before your cat needs spay/neuter.

Yuba Sutter SPCA

Yuba City


Animal Spay and Neuter Clinic

Auburn, CA 95603


Low cost spay/neuter for pets and ferals, including cats as young as 8 weeks. Also offers low cost testing and vaccinations.

Siskiyou Humane Society

Mount Shasta CA 96067


Certificates for low cost spay/neuter.

CCSPCA Education Office

Fresno, CA 93706


Free spay/neuter for cats of qualifying low income people.

California Feline Foundation Spay/Neuter Clinic

Fresno, CA


Very low cost s/n for all feral cats and also low cost s/n for the pet cats of qualifying low income people.

Valley Oak SPCA

Visalia, CA


Animal Care Center

Golden State Humane Society

Long Beach CA


For residents of a particular area, low cost s-n. Call for information.

Coalition for Pet Population Control

San Diego, CA


Feral Cat Coalition

San Diego, CA


Free spay/neuter for feral cats.

Spay/Neuter Action Project

San Diego, CA


Pet Assistance

San Diego, CA


Referrals to low cost spay/neuter.

Palo Alto Low Cost Pet Clinic

Palo Alto, CA


Low cost spay/neuter and vaccinations for all pets.

Peninsula Humane Society

Near 101 & Peninsula Avenue

Burglingame, CA


Silicon Valley Animal Rescue

Animal Medical Center

Redwood City CA


Bouquet Veterinary Clinic

Canyon Country CA


Kern Humane Society

Bakersfield, CA 93301


Tehachapi Humane

Tehachapi, CA 93561


Several services for low cost s/n and vaccinations.


Low cost s/n for feral or stray cats.

Humane Society of Napa County

Napa, CA


Very low cost spay/neuter for all.

Sequoia Humane Society

Eureka, CA


Low cost or free spay/neuter for pets of qualified low income people.

Friends of the Animals in the Redwood Empire

Rohnert Park, Cotati, CA


Provides discount certificates for s/n for residents of Rohnert Park, Penngrove or Cotati.

Sonoma County Animal Regulation

Santa Rosa, CA 95403


Provides discount certificates for s/n for low income residents of the county.

Animal Discount Clinic

Garden Grove, CA


Humane Society of Sonoma County

Santa Rosa, CA 95402

707-542-0882 ext 204

Low cost spay/neuter programs for qualifying low income households and annual spayathons.

Humane Society of Sonoma County

"Strawberry Fund"


For pets of qualifying low income people.

Forgotten Felines of Sonoma County

Santa Rosa, CA 95404


Low cost spay/neuter for ferals.

Larkfield Veterinary Hospital

Santa Rose CA


Pet Population Control Fund


Sonoma CA

Low cost s/n vouchers for cats and dogs of low income residents of Sonoma and Sonoma Valley.

Animal Kind Veterinary Hospital

Santa Rosa CA


Petaluma Pet Pals


Assistance with feral cats -- and also low cost s-n vouchers for cats and dogs of low income residents of Petaluma.

Petaluma Animal Shelter

Petaluma CA


Depending on whether funds are available, the shelter provides lower cost s/n surgeries for cats and dogs.

LaPlaza Veterinary Hospital

Cotati CA


Animal Hospital of Sebastopol

Sebastopol CA


Analy Veterinary Hospital

Sebastopol CA


Guerneville Veterinary Clinic

Guerneville CA


Upvalley Spay/Neuter Network

Calistoga, CA 94515


For pets and ferals in the upper Napa Valley area. <

Mendocino County Care-A-Van


Operates a mobile clinic in a van for low cost s/n in rural Mendocino County towns.

Pet Partners of Victor Valley

Apple Valley, CA 92307


No collect calls, please. Provides help for spay/neutering of cats and dogs in the Victor

Valley area of the Mojave Desert.

Victor Valley Animal Protective League

Apple Valley, CA


Low cost spay/neuter clinic.

Animal Samaritans SPCA Inc

Thousand Palms CA


Animal Birth Control Clinic

Thousand Palms, CA


Inyo County Animal Reserouces and Education (ICARE)

Bishop CA 93515


Low cost s/n for residents of Inyo County.

Spay/Neuter Clinic of Ventura

Oxnard CA


Santa Maria Humane Society

Santa Maria CA


Central Coast Spay Shuttle

Mobile Spay/Neuter clinic

Arroyo Grande, CA


Toll free 866-PET-SPAY Travels the central coast, providing low cost s/n in areas ranging from Paso Robles to Santa Maria.


San Luis Obispo, CA


Feline Network Information Line

San Luis Obispo CA


Call here to hear a recording listing the low cost s/n services in the local area.

Concerned People for Animals, Inc.

Humane Society of Ventura County

Spay/Neuter Clinic

402 Bryant Street

Ojai, CA 93023

805-646-6505 or 805-656-5031

Low cost s/n for all pet cats plus low cost vaccinations and microchips during s/n surgery.

Greyfoot Rescue

Ventura, CA 93002


This group may have information about low cost or free s/n for cats in Ventura.

Santa Barbara Humane Society

Santa Barbara, CA 93111


Best Friends Catnippers

Los Angeles, CA


Free spay/neuter clinics for feral cats at various clinic locations in Los Angeles County.

Spay For Life

Chatsworth, CA 91311


Helps people find low cost s/n vets and clinics in Los Angeles County.

Pet Family Planning

8256 Louise Ave

Northridge, CA


Pets and ferals.

Cat Crossing

Winnetka, CA 91396


Gives information about Los Angeles area low cost or free spay/neuter for ferals and pets.

Actors & Others


Information about discount certificates and low cost s/n clinics.

Living Free

Mountain Center, CA 92561


Low cost spay/neuter clinic.

Humane Society of San Bernardino Valley

San Bernardino CA 92405

909-882-2934 or 909-886-5026

Sacramento SPCA

Sacramento, CA 95828

916-383-7387 ext 9111

Low cost spay/neuter pet clinic for members of the SSPCA, or low-income people, or senior citizens.


Planned Pethood Plus

Denver CO


Humane Society of Boulder Valley

Boulder, CO

303-442-4030 ext 680

Low cost spay/neuter clinic for all.

MaxFund Animal Adoption Center

Low Cost Clinic

Denver, CO 80204


Low cost s/n and vaccinations for pets of low income people. Open Monday through Saturday.

Every Creature Counts

Lyons CO


Mobile s/n clinic serving the Denver and northern Colorado areas.

Peak View Animal Hospital

Fowler CO


Dreampower Animal Rescue Foundation

Colorado Springs, CO


Low cost spay/neuter for pets of low income people.

Hamlett S/N Clinic

Colorado Springs CO


Eagle Valley Humane Society

Eagle CO


Friends of Cedaredge Animal Control

Cedaredge CO


Volunteer for the Friends group and earn credit per hour toward spay/neuter of a pet.


T.E.A.M. (Tait's Every Animal Matters)

Westbrook CT


Mobile van offers low cost s-n for any Connecticut cat.

Creature Kindness

Hamden CT 06518


Gives advice about feral caretaking, trap-neuter-release (TNR), and lends traps to people doing TNR.

The Hope Alliance

c/o LMR

New Haven, CT 06512


Information about low cost s/n services in the area.

Help For Pets

Danbury, CT


Low cost spay/neuter.

Greater New Haven Cat Project


Low cost spay/neuter for ferals.


New Haven, CT 06515

New Haven, CT 203-787-5532

Seymour, CT 203-888-2279

Low cost or free spay/neuter for ferals and pets and low cost testing, vaccinations.


Westbrook, CT 06498


888-367-8326 toll free

Mobile spay/neuter clinic that provides low cost spay/neuter and vaccinations, across the state.

Central Connecticut Cat Project

Plainville CT


Statewide Veterinary Clinic

Torrington, CT


888-613-2034 toll free

Also offers free one-way transportation for the cat (to or from Torrington).


Delaware Humane Association

Wilmington, DE 19801


Low cost spay/neuter for all. Plus the Friends of Feral Felines offers free s/n for ferals.

Dumpster Cats

Bear DE


Assistance and information about s/n for feral cats and assistance for low income pet owners.



Certificates for discount s/n at many local veterinarians in MD, PA, DE and NJ.


Lee County Animal Services

Fort Myers FL


Humane Society of Greater Miami

Miami FL


The Cat Network, Inc.

Miami, FL 33159


For stray, feral, and abandoned cats, this program offers low cost spay/neuter through certificates that can be used at over 40 Miami-Dade County veterinary clinics.

Miami-Dade Police Dept Animal Services Unit

Miami, FL

305-884-1101 ext 249

Low cost or free spay/neuter for all pets of county residents. Services at a clinic, at a travelling clinic, and at participating vets.

Florida Aid to Animals

Spay/Neuter Medical Facility, Inc.

Melbourne, FL 32935


Titusville SPCA

Titusville FL


Feral Cat Network(FCN)

Cocoa FL 32923


United Humanitarians

Cocoa FL


Marion County Animal Center

Ocala FL


Alachua County Humane Society

Gainesville, FL 32609


For Alachua County residents and Humane Society members, ACHS sells low cost spay/neuter vouchers that are accepted at almost all vets in the county.

Operation Catnip of Gainesville

Gainesville, FL 32614


Free spay/neuter and vaccinations for feral cats and strays cats.

PetLuv S/N Clinic

Brooksville FL


Call to ask about any discounts on spay/neuter.

Humane Society of Marion County

Ocala, FL 34481


ARNI (Animal Rescue, Need & Intervention)

Daytona Beach FL



Halifax Humane Society

2364 W. LPGA Blvd

PO Box 9035

Daytona Beach, FL 32120


SPCA of Central Florida (Seminole County)

Sanford FL


SPCA of Central Florida

Orlando FL

407-351-7722 ext 226


Orange County Animal Services

Low cost or free spay/neuter clinic

Orlando, FL 32839


City of Boca Raton Animal Shelter

Boca Raton, FL


Low cost spay/neuter for pets.

CARE Feline Rescue Inc

Orlando FL


Low cost or free s-n for feral or abandoned cats in Orange County FL.

Spay Shuttle Program

Palm Beach County Animal Care and Control

7100 Belevedere Rd

West Palm Beach, FL 33411

561-233-SPAY or 561-233-1261

For cats and dogs of low income county residents who provide proof of residency and income, the Spay Shuttle provides very low cost spay/neuter, rabies vaccination, and a county license tag. People must go to the Spay Shuttle between 8 and 9 am with their clean, leashed dogs or cats in carriers. Pets go home in the afternoon. Call for details.

Animal Rescue League

3200 North Military Trail

West Palm Beach, FL


Palm Beach Cat Rescue

292 South County Road, #247

Palm Beach, FL 33480


Low cost spay/neuter program for ferals.

Safe Harbor Animal Rescue

Jupiter FL


Low cost s/n for cats and dogs.

Pinellas County Animal Services

Largo FL


Has mobile clinic for low cost or free s-n.

SPCA of Pinellas County

9099 130th Avenue

Largo FL


Low cost for pets of people with limited income.

Pasco Animal Welfare Society Inc (PAWS)

Port Richey FL


Low cost for pets and feral cats.

SPCA of the Treasure Coast

Jensen Beach FL


Low cost s/n for pets of residents of Martin and St. Lucie counties.

Highlands County Animal Control

Sebring FL


Spay neuter assistance for pets of low income people.

Humane Society of North Pinellas

3040 State Route 590

Clearwater, FL 33759


Low cost spay/neuter for pets, priced according to owner's income.

Animal Coalition of Tampa

Tampa FL


Sponsors a very low cost spay/neuter day once a month for feral cats residing in Hillsborough County.

Humane Society of Tampa Bay

3607 N. Armenia Ave

Tampa, FL


Animal Aid Spay & Neuter Center

2270 Boone Boulevard

Tallahassee, FL 32303


web site

Low cost spay/neuter and lower cost vaccines, flea preventatives, and heartworm preventatives.

Panhandle Animal Welfare Society

W.F. Thorne Clinic

752 Lovejoy Rd

Fort Walton Beach, FL 32549


web site

Low cost spay/neuter and other veterinary medical services at low cost.

Kritter Kastle

Mobile s-n clinic


Non-profit service that visits neighborhoods to do animal spay-neuter in their clinic in a van.

Polk County Animal Services

7115 DeCastro Rd

Winter Haven, FL 33880

863-499-2600 ext 188

Free spay/neuter and rabies vaccination for pets of people on government assistance.

SPCA of Polk County S/N Clinic

Lakeland FL


Offers free s/n for pets of people on public assistance. Also offers LOW COST s/n for pets of everyone else.

Clay County Humane Society Animal Clinic

426 Blanding Blvd

Orange Park, FL


Bear Foundation

100 Lamplighter Lane

Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082


Low cost spay/neuter for ferals and for pets.

Flagler County Humane Society

1 Shelter Drive

Palm Coast, FL 32137


Call for information.

First Coast No More Homeless Pets

888-spayfla - counties surrounding Duval County

Duval County FL - 425-0005

St. Augustine Humane Society

St. Augustine, FL 32086


Low cost s/n for pets of residents of St. John's county.

Humane Society of Lee County


Low cost s/n for pets of county residents.

Planned Pethood Low Cost S/N Clinic

1710 Santa Barbara Blvd

Naples, FL 33699


St. Francis Animal Rescue of Venice

1925 S. Tamiami Trail

Venice, FL 34293


Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic

13422 N. Cleveland Avenue

N. Fort Myers, FL 33903


S.P.A.Y.-L.E.E. Inc.

PO Box 6577

Fort Myers, FL 33911

941-936-2727 (message line)


This group provides information about low cost spay/neuter and vaccination programs.

Humane Society of Polk County

555 Sage Road

Winter Haven, FL 33881


St. Francis Animal Rescue of Venice

PO Box 563

Nokomis, FL 34274


Sun Coast Humane Society

Englewood, FL


Animal Rights Foundation of Florida

Broward County

Mobile s/n clinic travels to various low income areas in the county.

Animal Welfare League of Charlotte County

3519 Drance Street

Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980


Sliding scale discounts on spay/neuter for pets, depending on owner's income.

Animal Rescue Coalition

Sarasota FL



Low cost s/n for residents of Sarasota County.

Broward County Animal Shelter

1870 SW 39th Street

Fort Lauderdale, FL


Low cost spay/neuter for pets of low income people.

National Humane Society Mobile Clinic

Deerfield Beach, FL


Pet Aid League

5950 W Oakland Park Blvd #102 Lauderhill, FL 33313


Call here for information about low cost or free spay/neuter services in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties -- for feral cats and pets.


Humane Society of Broward County

2070 Griffin Road

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312


Van that travels throughout the community offering spay/neuter at a reduced cost.

Animal Birth Control of Broward, Inc.

850 Washington Street

Hollywood, FL


Discount Spay Neuter Vaccination Clinic

6902 Stirling Road

Davie, FL 33024


Their mission is to "drastically reduce the rate of euthanasia by providing affordable spay/neuter services


Atlanta Humane Society

981 Howell Mill Road, NW

Atlanta, GA 30318


Spay and Neuter Team of Atlanta

Marietta, GA


The Sterile Feral Inc.

Mailing address:

PMB 210

3 Central Plaza

Rome, GA 30161


Spay/neuter for feral cats in Floyd County.

Newnan-Coweta Humane Society


Financial assistance for spaying female cats only.

Paulding County Humane Society



Paulding County Animal Control


Helps with s/n based on financial need.

Humane Society of Cobb County

1060 Al Bishop Drive

Marietta, GA 30060


Cat Care Hospital

Marietta, GA


Scheduled once a month, low cost spay/neuter services.

Project Catsnip

Metro Atlanta area GA


Mobile van that visits about 16 locations in Atlanta and surrounding counties.

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DeKalb Humane Society

770-593-1155 or 770-987-8288

Low cost s/n certificates.

SpayGeorgia, Inc.

Lilburn, GA


North Fulton Humane Society Low Cost Clinic

Alpharetta GA


Carroll County Humane Society

Carroll, Haralson and Heard counties


Operation Spay/Neuter

Cumming GA


Pet Vet

Cumming GA


Cherokee County Humane Society


Helps pets of people with financial need.

SPARE (Sterilizing Pets and Reducing Euthanasia)

Woodstock GA


Animal Welfare and Rescue Effort (AWARE)

PO Box 31046

Savannah, GA 31046


Certificates for discount spay/neuter.

Save-A-Life Inc.

Savannah, GA 31411


Low cost spay-neuter program for cats and dogs in the Savannah area.


Hawaiian Humane Society

2700 Waialae Avenue

Honolulu HI 96826


FAX 955-6034


For ferals and pet cats.


PAWS for Life Inc

Boise ID


For pets of local residents with financial need.

Bonneville Humane Society

PO Box 2763

Idaho Falls, ID 83403


Humane Society of the Palouse

2019 White Avenue

Moscow, ID 83843


Discounts for residents of Latah or Whitmany county.


PrairieLand Anticruelty

Champaign IL

Quincy Humane Society

Quincy IL


Knox County Humane Society

1855 Windish Drive

Galesburg, IL 61401


Discount certificates for s/n at participating veterinary clinics.

Better Pets Clinic

Moline IL


Low cost s/n for western Illinois and eastern Iowa area.

Quad City Animal Welfare Center

724 West 2nd Avenue

Milan, IL 61264


Serving surrounding areas in Iowa and Illinois, Davenport, Bettendorf, Rock Island, Moline, East Moline, etc. Low costs for spay/neuter, tests, and vaccinations.

Alley Cat Allies Chicago area workshops

Anti-Cruelty Society

147 West Grand Avenue

Chicago, IL 60610


Call for information and for requirements to set up an appointment for low cost s/n.

Bethalto Spay Clinic

Bethalto, IL


Humane Society of Southern Illinois

Murphyboro/Carbondale area IL

618-457-2362 Once a month, they sell a limited number of vouchers for $35 each (at this writing) that the purchaser takes to a participating veterinarian for spay/neuter at no additional cost.

ARF (Animal Rescue Fountain Inc)

Glen Ellyn IL


Homes for Endangered & Lost Pets

PO Box 972

St. Charles, IL 60174


Information about services in the area.

Illinois Citizens Animal Welfare League

10305 Southwest Highway

Chicago Ridge, IL 60415


Pets and ferals. Call for information and appointment.

Animal Welfare League (2 locations)

6224 South Wabash Ave

Chicago, IL 60415


Pets and ferals. Call for information and appointment.

South Suburban Humane Society

1103 West End Avenue

Chicago Heights, IL 60411


Call for information regarding participating veterinarians, etc.

Felines, Inc.

PO Box 60616

Chicago, IL 60660


PAWS Chicago

Lurie Family Spay/Neuter clinic

3516 West 26th Street

Chicago, IL 60623


Call for appointment. Low cost spay/neuter and low cost vaccinations, tests, Frontline, and Heartgard.


Tinley Park IL


Ask about participating veterinarians. Orland Park and Country Club Hills.

Humane Society of Winnebago County

Rockford IL


Kankakee County Humane Society

Kankakee, IL


Low cost spay/neuter for all pets.

Winnebago County Animal Services

Rockford, IL


Low cost spay/neuter for qualified low income.

Stop the Overpopulation of Pets, Inc.

PO Box 1103

Dundee, IL 60118


Provides discount certificates for s/n to be used at a participating vet clinic.

River Woods Pet Clinic

Lincolnshire, IL


In cooperation with local humane organizations, low cost s/n for pets and feral cats as well as early spay/neuter of kittens as small as 2 pounds and as young as 8 weeks.


PO Box 1964

Evanston, IL 60204

847-705-2653 email

Lake County Animal Protection

Northern Illinois locations



Spay/Neuter Assistance Program

Fort Wayne, IN


Spay/neuter assistance for pets of low income residents of Allen County. Proof of financial need is required.

Pet Neutering and Adoptions Services, Inc

PO Box 161

DeMotte IN 46310


FACE Low Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic

1505 E. Massachusetts Ave

Indianapolis, IN 46201



Low cost spay/neuter, vaccinations, testing, and heartworm/flea medications. FACE stands for Foundation Against Companion Animal Euthanasia. Services for ferals and pets.

Hendricks County Humane Society


Johnson County Humane Society


Humane Society for Hamilton County


Spay/Neuter Services of Indiana

Indianapolis and surrounding areas 317-788-6330


Humane Society of Indianapolis

Indianapolis, IN


Lower cost spay/neuter for pets of qualified low income people.

Humane Society of Morgan County

Martinsville, IN


Low cost spay/neuter for pets of qualified low income people.

Help support our ongoing work on this directory by linking to our cat furniture pages.

Dearborn County Friends of Animals Inc

Aurora IN


Harrison County Commissioners Project for S/N

Elizabeth IN


Neuter Scooter North Central Indiana Spay & Neuter Clinic


A clinic in a van visits various locations in Indiana and Ohio and performs low cost s-n.


Quad City Animal Welfare Center

724 West 2nd Avenue

Milan, IL 61264


Serving surrounding areas in Iowa and Illinois, Davenport, Bettendorf, Rock Island, Moline, East Moline, etc. Low costs for spay/neuter, tests, and vaccinations.

Humane Society of Scott County

2134 West River Drive

Davenport, IA 52802


Animal Protection Society of Iowa

Des Moines IA


Noah's Ark

PO Box 748

Fairfield, IA 52556



Muscatine, IA


Helps pay for spay/neuter of pets of people who have low incomes.


Pawprints on the Heartland

Pittsburg KS


Mobile s/n clinic that visits outlying area in the community.

Humane Society of Greater Kansas City

Kansas City, KS


The Pet Connection

Overland Park KS



Alley Cat Advocates

Serves Kentucky and southern Indiana


Save the Animals Foundation

Lebanon KY



Program for residents of Marion and Washington counties.

Home At Last

PO Box 144

Salvisa, KY 40372

502-839-1974 web site

Spay/neuter assistance for feral cats.

The Animal Refuge Center

PO Box 400

Vine Grove, KY 40175


Offers certificates for low cost spay/neuter and vaccinations, from designated veterinarians.

Michael J. McDonald, DVM

Spay/Neuter Surgery

Lebanon Junction KY


Harlan County SPCA

PO Box 11

Dayhoit KY 40824


Call to learn whether assistance is available (This group depends on outside donations and on grants, so funds are not certain).

Ken-Tenn Humane Society

PO Box 1526 Fulton KY 42041

Area code 731

Email: Remove the nospam to send email

For residents of northwest Tennessee and southwest Kentucky (Obion and Weakley Counties in Tennessee and Fulton County in Kentucky), low cost s/n for pet cats and feral cats. Also, they offer advice on how to maintain feral cat colonies.

Woodstock Low Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic

Lexington KY



Animal Welfare Inc

PO Box 4797

Shreveport LA 71134


Provides a discount for s/n for pets of residents with low income.

Lafayette Animal Aid

Lafayette LA


Provides a small discount for s/n for pets of residents with low income.

Spay/Neuter Intervention Program (SNIP)

St. Bernard Parish Animal Shelter

115 W. Agriculture Road

Chalmette, LA 70043


Free spay/neuter of cats and dogs brought by retired residents and by people on any type of public assistance. Low cost spay/neuter for cats and dogs for everyone else.

Jefferson SPCA

1 Humane Way

Harahan, LA 70123

504-733-PETS web site

For anyone in the community, Jefferson SPCA provides discount certificates for cat and dog spay/neuter with participating veterinarians. Serves Jefferson, Orleans, St. Tammany,

St. Charles, St. Bernard, and Terrebonne parishes.

Southern Animal Foundation

Spay/Neuter Intervention Program (SNIP)

PO Box 4164

New Orleans, LA 70178


Mobile clinic that visits sites in Hammond, St. Charles, Slidell, New Orleans, Jefferson, Mandeville, Plaquemines, Amie, Abita Springs, and St. Bernard.

Louisiana SPCA Feral Cat Initiative

New Orleans LA


For feral cats residing in Orleans Parish. Also check the web site for their low cost s/n for tame cats and dogs.
Update  on the above site:
Update to a listing in Louisiana. Please update the listing Louisiana Spca Feral Cat Initiative to: Louisiana Spca 1700 Mardi Gras Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70114.(504) 368-5191, Website: Email: Provides low cost spay & neuter for pet dogs & cats & stray & feral cats. Dogs & cats 8 weeks or older at least two pounds are welcome. Feral Cat Program provides spay or neuter, ear tip & rabies vaccination.


Aroostook Animal Welfare Awareness Group


For pets of households in need who reside in Aroostook County. If no answer, leave a voice mail message.


PO Box 94

Prospect Harbor, ME 04669


Low cost spay/neuter for North and Central Maine.

Animal Refuge League

449 Stroudwater Street

Westbrook, ME 04092


Spay/neuter program for pets of qualified low income people.

Humane Society-Waterville Area

Waterville ME


Assistance for qualifying residents of the central Maine area covered.

Friends of Feral Felines

PO Box 8137

Portland, ME 04101

207-797-3014 Email

Low cost s/n for ferals.

Control Animal Population

Maine Federation of Humane Societies

c/o Denise Springer, Administrator

Animal Welfare Society

PO Box 43

West Kennebunk, ME 04094


Discount certificates for people who demonstrate a financial need.

Maine Veterinary Medical Association

PO Box 8

Rumford Center, ME 04278


Low cost spay/neuter program.


Metro Cat Action Team (MCAT)

Washington DC metro area


Alley Cat Allies workshops

Baltimore, MD

Montgomery County Humane Society

Rockville, MD


Offers discounts at many veterinary clinics in the area. Call for information

Prince George's County SPCA

Forestville, MD

301-324-0807 web site

Call here to learn about the clinic for low cost s/n.

Human Society of Charles County

71 Industrial Park Drive

Waldorf, MD 20604


Low cost s/n for pets of people with low income. Call for details.

Frederick County Humane Society

1832 Rosemont Avenue

Frederick, MD 21702


Low cost spay/neuter for pets.

Well Pet Clinic

Lexington Park MD


The Lucky Ones

37725 Traveled Lane

Charlotte Hall, MD

301-884-2850 web site

Low cost spay/neuter clinic.

Montgomery County SPCA

PO Box 637

Gaithersburg, MD 20880


Animal Welfare Society of Howard County

8556 Davis Road

Columbia, MD 21045


Low cost spay/neuter clinic as well as low cost vaccinations at time of surgery or at weekly vaccine clinic.

Humane Society of Baltimore County

1601 Nicodemus Road

Reisterstown, MD 21136

410-833-4480 or 410-833-8848

Animal Advocates of Howard County

PO Box 1403

Ellicott City, MD 21041


Offers information about low cost s/n in the area. Also, offers free s/n for pets of people with low income. Also, holds an annual male cat neuter-a-thon for very low price neutering.

Spay Inc.

PO Box 3240

Arlington, VA 22203


703-521-2677 web site

Help for residents of Maryland, DC, and Virginia.


Animal Advocates

North Dartmouth, MA


Low cost spay/neuter clinic.

Animal Rescue League of Boston


877-590-SPAY toll free


Various programs offered in Boston, Brewster, Salem, and Dedham areas. They also have a mobile clinic that visits many neighborhoods, and they also accept a limited number of feral cats.

Neponset Valley Humane Society

Norwood/Mansfield, MA



A Helping Paw Inc

Buzzards Bay MA


Northeast Animal Shelter

204 Highland Avenue

Salem, MA 01970


Alliance for Animals

232 Silver Street

South Boston, MA 02127

617-268-7800 clinic

Low cost spay/neuter and vaccinations for pets and ferals. Call for information.

Massachusetts SPCA/Angell Memorial Hospital

SNAP (Spay Neuter Assistance Program)

Boston MA


617-541-5007 for info

Assistance for pets of low income people at participating area vets.

Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society

91 Bridge Road

Salisbury, MA


Free spay/neuter for ferals.

Northeast Animal Shelter

204 Highland Avenue

Salem, MA 01970


Second Chance Fund for Animal Welfare Inc

Bolton MA (services located at Clinton MA)



C-SNIP (Community Spay/Neuter Initiative Partnership)

Serves Kent County and adjacent counties

Grand Rapids MI


Low cost mobile clinic for pets of people with low income.

West Michigan SPCA

Muskegon MI


Silver Lake Animal Rescue League

Dixie Highway

Waterford, MI

248-545-6583, extension 5 This organization has a program for spay/neuter of pets of low income people in metropolitan Detroit.

Long Lake Animal Hospital

5044 John R Road

Troy, MI 48098


Humane Society of Huron Valley

Ann Arbor, MI


Kalamazoo Humane Society

4239 South Westnedge

Kalamazoo, MI


Provides some assistance for the spay/neuter of pets of qualifed low income people.

Animal's Best Friend

PO Box 443

Oshtemo, MI 49077


For pets living in Kalamazoo and Van Buren counties, ABF provides small subsidies at particular veterinary clinics each month. Call for details.

Zimmer Foundation

PO Bx 130944

Ann Arbor MI 48113


For feral cats in Washtenaw County.


Spay, Neuter, Aid Program (SNAP)

Contented Critters

PO Box 385

Makinen, MN 55763


Low cost spay/neuter for pets of qualified low income people.

Duluth Animal Allies Humane Society

& City of Duluth Animal Shelter

2627 Courtland St

Duluth, MN 55806



Mississippi Animal Rescue League

Jackson, MS


Low cost spay/neuter for pets of qualified low income people.

Pearl River County SPCA

PO Box 191

Picayune, MS 39466


W.A.G.S. of Monroe County (Wonderful Animals Get Spayed)

Amory MS

662-256-7865 or 662-963-3310 or 662-256-2999

Low cost spay/neuter.


Operation SPOT - Stop Pet Overpopulation Today

St. Louis, MO


Spay Neuter Clinic of the Ozarks

Springfield MO and other Missouri and Kansas locations.



Central Missouri Humane Society

616 Big Bear Blvd

Columbia, MO


Low Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic

Camdenton MO


Noahs Ark Veterinary Clinic

Salem, MO


People for Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)



STOPP (Stop the Over Population of Pets



Arrowhead Veterinary Clinic

Kansas City MO


Spay and Neuter Kansas City

Kansas City MO


Low Cost Spay & Neuter Inc



Humane Society of Greater Kansas City

Kansas City, KS



Northwest Montana Humane Society

PO Box 221

Kalispell, MT 59903


Discount certificates for pets of people with low income (call for details).

Animal Relief Center

SOS Program

PO Box 4717

Whitefish, MT 59937


Butte Spay/Neuter Task Force

Butte MT



Certificates providing a discount on s/n for pets of residents in or near Butte Montana.

Flathead Spay/Neuter Task Force

PO Box 2095

Whitefish, MT 59937


Free or low cost s/n clinics held several times a year.


Hearts United for Animals

PO Box 286

Auburn, NE 68305


Certificates for spay/neuter of pets of low income people.


Agee Memorial Wildlife Fund

Las Vegas NV


Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic

Animal Foundation

Las Vegas, NV


Las Vegas Valley Humane Society

Las Vegas NV



Low cost spay/neuter clinic for pets and ferals.

SPCA of Northern Nevada

Reno NV



For residents of Washoe County. Feral cat s/n program. Also, low cost spay - neuter for pets of people with financial need.


Reno NV


Nevada Humane Society

Sparks NV


Pet Network of North Lake Tahoe

Incline Village NV



N.H. Spay Line

Toll Free 1-800-990-SPAY

For residents of N.H., this service tries to help people locate a low cost or free s-n program.

New Hampshire Spaying & Altering Service

8 Hutchins Street

Concord, NH 03301

603-224-1361 before 2 pm

New Hampshire Dept of Agriculture

APC Program

State House Annex

33 Capitol Street

Concord, NH 03301


Discounts for qualified low income families. Call or write for information about APC.

Spay Program for Mother Cats

Belmont, NH 03220


Animal Allies

Manchester, NH



Helps people who have a large number of cats or people who need help and do not qualify for other programs. This organization does NOT offer FREE services. They provide certificates for discounts on s/n to people who qualify.


New Jersey Dept of Health & Senior Services

Pet Overpopulation Control Fund

PO Box 360

Trenton, NJ 08625


When and if state funds are available, spay/neuter surgery is very low cost for pets of people with low income. Check the web site for more information about eligibility requirements and/or call by phone. Many veterinary clinics around the state are participating.

Monmouth County SPCA Spay/Neuter Clinic

260 Wall Street

Eatontown, NJ 07724


Low cost spay/neuter, vaccines, and flea products.

East Coast New Jersey Spay Clinic


Animal Welfare Association

Voorhees NJ


Low cost s/n for ferals and pets.

People for Animals

Hillside, NJ



Humane Society of Otero County

PO Box 686

La Luz, NM 88330



Free spay-neuter clinic held once a month. Limited spaces available. Contact them for information.

Spay & Neuter Action Program

Las Cruces NM


Charlotte Goodrich Foundation

Roswell NM


Feral and pet cats.

Animal Protection of New Mexico

Deming, NM


Low cost or free spay/neuter services in Deming.

Northern New Mexico Animal Protection Society

PO Box 396

Alcade, NM 87511


New Mexico Animal Friends

Albuquerque NM


Sana Fe Animal Shelter and Humane Society

Santa Fe NM



Pet Pal Mobile Spay/Neuter Clinic

Schenectady County NY


For pets of county residents with financial needs.

Statewide: New York State

Pet Population Control Program

Dept of Agriculture & Markets

Division of Animal Industry

1 Winners Circle

Albany, NY 12205


Thanks to pet friendly car license plate sales, spay/neuter surgery costs about $30 and vaccinations cost up to $10 each -- from veterinarians participating in the state's program. Contact DOAM office for the most recent listing of participating vets.

New York...arranged by area code


410 E. 38th Street

New York, NY 10016




Bergh Memorial Animal Hospital

424 East 92nd Street

New York, NY

212-876-7700 ext 4200

Low cost spay/neuter and low cost rabies vaccinations.

ASPCA Care-A-Van

212-876-7700 ext 4303

Mobile van goes to low income neighborhoods and provides free spay/neuter and vaccinations. Suggested donation $25. Call for the van schedule and to make an appointment.

Have-A-Heart Spay and Neuter Clinic

Fund for Animals

355 West 52nd Street

New York, NY 10019

212-977-6877 for appointments

Low cost spay/neuter for all.

Feral Cat Friends

PO Box 236

Weedsport, NY 13166

315-252-2406 Call 6 pm to 8 pm only


Central New York SPCA

5878 East Molloy Road

Syracuse, NY 13211


Pet Outreach Inc.

PO Box 312

Syracuse, NY 13211

315-469-6569 or

315-478-6900 email

Wayne County Humane Society

Lyons NY


Laura Gay Senk, DVM

Farmingdale NY


Low cost s/n and veterinary care for feral and stray cats.


3300 Beltagh Avenue

Wantagh, NY 11793


Spay Today Inc.

300 Horseblock Road

Brookhaven, NY 11719


Low cost spay/neuter for all pets, strays, and ferals.

SPCA of Nassau County


New York State

Pet Population Control Program

Dept of Agriculture & Markets

Division of Animal Industry

1 Winners Circle

Albany, NY 12205


Thanks to pet friendly car license plate sales, spay/neuter surgery costs about $30 and vaccinations cost up to $10 each -- from veterinarians participating in the state's program. Contact DOAM office for the most recent listing of participating vets.

Adirondack Humane Society

PO Box 1704

Plattsburgh, NY 12901


Low cost spay/neuter for pets of low income people.

Animalkind Inc

PO Box 902

Hudson NY 12534


Columbia-Greene Humane Society

Hudson, NY, Columbia County 518-828-6044

Athens, NY, Greene County 518-945-1286

Low cost spay/neuter and vaccinations.

Greene Animal Welfare Alliance

PO Box 209

Athens, NY 12015


Spay/neuter discounts for all pets.

Humane Society of Rochester & Monroe County

Fairport, NY

585-223-1333 ext 36

Low cost spay/neuter for pets of qualified low income people.

SPCA of Tompkins County

Ithaca, NY 14850


Discounted spay/neuter program for qualifed low income.

Project Paw

Binhamton NY


Finger Lakes Humane Society

Bath NY


Animal Care Council S/N Program

Endicott NY



188 Old Country Road

Westhampton, NY 11977


Little Shelter Animal Rescue

33 Warner Road

Huntington, NY 11743


Low cost spay/neuter van visits twice a month.

Suffolk County SPCA

145 Pigeon Hill Road

Huntington Station, NY 11746


Free spay/neuter for feral cats.

League for Animal Protection


Island Rescue

Bay Shore NY


Erie County Spay and Neuter Assistance Program Buffalo NY area

716-652-1359 or 716-821-1827

Animal Birth Control Society of Western NY

Buffalo NY


Provides discount certificates for pets of low income residents. Call for information.

Muffin's Pet Connection

9728 3rd Avenue

Box 125

Brooklyn, NY 11209


Gives certificates for low cost spay/neuter at over 60 participating veterinarians In New York City and Westchester and Long Island.

S.A.V.E.S., Inc.

PO Box 453

Greenport, NY 11944


Serves the North Fork of Long Island only. For feral cats, low cost spay/neuter and vaccination certificates, plus twice yearly free spay/neuter clinics for ferals.

Animal Emergency Fund

Saugerties NY


For residents of Ulster County, sponsors low cost s/n including feral cats.

Furever Animals Inc.

Montgomery NY


The Animal Rights Alliance Inc PO Box 346

Westbrookville NY 12785


Mobile van s-n clinic operates one day a week in Orange, Ulster, and Sullivan counties.

Animal Welfare League

White Plains, NY



Rockingham Humane Society

PO Box 52

Wentworth, NC 27375


Low cost spay/neuter for pets of low income people.

Triad Spay/Neuter Clinic

Greensboro NC


Low cost spay/neuter clinic for pets and ferals. Web site

Save the Animals

Winston-Salem NC


Humane Society of Charlotte

2646 Toomey Avenue

Charlotte, NC


Low cost spay/neuter clinic.

Friends of Feral Felines

PO Box 473385

Charlotte NC 28247


Humane Alliance Spay/Neuter Clinic

Asheville, NC


Low cost spay/neuter. Serves 12 counties.

Haywood Animal Welfare Association

PO Box 992

Waynesville NC 28786

828-452-1329 or 452-3751

Friends of Felines

PO Box 475

Castle Hayne, NC 28429



For feral cats, spay/neuter clinics are held on Sundays. Call for details and appointments. Friends of Felines is run entirely by volunteers.

Coastal Cat Clinic

Jacksonville, NC


Second Chance Pet Adoptions

Cary, NC


Operation Catnip provides free spay/neuter and vaccinations for feral and stray cats.

Spay Neuter on Wheels

central NC


Mobile van offers affordable s-n for pets and feral cats.

Operation Catnip

Raleigh NC



Central Dakota Humane Society

Spay/Neuter Assistance Program

Bismarck-Mandan area ND


Offers a limited number of s/n certificates each month.


A Snip In Time

Cleveland OH


Pets and ferals.

City of Cleveland Kennel

2690 West 7th Street

Cleveland, OH 44113

216-664-2759 clinic

216-664-3069 main

Low cost spay/neuter clinic for pets of Cleveland residents.

Pet Guards Shelter

Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223


Planned Pethood Inc.

5265 Berkey Southern Road

Whitehouse, OH 43571


United Humanitarians

Toledo, OH


MARX (Minimizing Animal Reproduction without Extremes)

Middletown OH


Mobile s/n clinic for feral and pet cats in Middletown.

CAT-SNIP Program

Scratching Post

6958 Plainfield Road

Silverton, OH 45236


Spay/Neuter Clinic

Columbus OH


Humane Society & Spay Neuter

4920 State Route 37 E

Delaware, OH 43015


Cat Welfare Association

736 Wetmore Road

Columbus, OH 43214


Low cost spay/neuter for pets of low income people.

Spay Ohio

Northwest Columbus OH


Advocates for Animals Inc Marietta OH



Dayton, OH


Low cost spay/neuter for pets of low income people.

Humane Society of Preble County

722 South Franklin Street Eaton OH 45320

937-787-4408 Thora Smith for appointments and info

Brings a mobile unit (NOMAD) to the area every month for low cost s/n of cats.


Animal Low Cost Spay Clinic

4522 NW 16

Oklahoma City, OK 73127


Oklahoma Volunteers for Animal Welfare

Spay/Neuter Hotline

Oklahoma City, OK


Information about low cost or free spay/neuter around the state.

Pets & People Humane Society

Oklahoma City, OK


Information about low cost spay/neuter.


Animal Birth Control Clinic

National Organization to End Pet Overpopulation

Lawton OK


Return to our cat furniture page.


Pet Over Population Prevention Advocates Inc (POPPA)

PO Box 5721

Beaverton, OR 97006


This service helps by giving information about low cost programs for s/n of dogs, cats, rabbits, and ferrets statewide. Also, POPPA operates Oregon Neutermobile, a van that visits communities around the state to provide low cost s/n.

Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon

Portland, OR


Spay/neuter and vaccinations for ferals, at clinic or at mobile clinic that travels around the state.

Humane Society of the Willamette Valley

PO Box 13005

Salem, OR 97309

503-585-5900 ext 308

Spay and Neuter Humane Association

333 West Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103



7741 Cook Underwood Road

Underwood, WA


Pet OverPopulation Prevention

PO Box 442

Pasco, WA 99301


Each month, gives out a limited number of certificates for very low cost s/n at participating veterinarians. Call the message center for instructions.

City of Eugene

Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic

3970 West 1st Avenue

Eugene OR


Pet Population Control & Well-Being Society

Eugene OR


800-944-0192 toll free


Rogue Valley area of Oregon



Heartland Humane Society

5311 SW Airport Place

Corvallis, OR 97333


Low cost spay/neuter for pets of people with low income.

Coos County Animal Control

600 Southport Road

Coos Bay, OR 97420


Free spay/neuter for pets, in exchange for the human volunteering some time.


PA P.E.T.S. (Prevent Excess Through Sterilization)

PO Box 64

Lewisburg PA 17837

Toll free 1-866-472-7387

Low cost s/n to qualifying residents who live in Union, Snyder, or Northumberland counties.

The People-Pet Partnership

Philadelphia PA


Animal Rescue and Referral

PO Box 16

Richboro, PA 18954

215-752-7556 or 215-322-9251

Information about low cost spay/neuter for feral cats.

City of Pittsburgh

Bureau of Environmental Services

3001 Railroad Street

Pittsburgh, PA 15201


Voucher program for residents of Pittsburgh. Call for information.

Morris Animal Refuge

1242 Lombard Street

Philadelphia, PA 19147


Sells low-cost certificates for spay/neuter for pets of lower income people in the Philadelphia area. The pet owner presents the certificate to a participating veterinarian.

CATS (Changing Attitudes for Tomorrow's Solutions)

Pine Grove PA



For pet cats, farm cats, stray cats, and feral cats in the Harrisburg, Lebanon, and Pine Grove areas of Pennsylvania.

Spay & Save

PO Box 122

Lafayette Hill, PA 19444

610-279-9714 or 610-277-6187

Low cost spay/neuter for pets of those needing financial assistance.

Pennsylvania SPCA

Centre Halle, PA 814-364-1725

Philadelphia, PA 215-426-6300

Homeless Cat Management Team

Pittsburgh PA


Spay-neuter for feral cats in southwestern Pennsylvania. Leave a message in voice mailbox 4.

Animal Birth Control

2643 Penn Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15222




This organization has a network of 35 participating veterinarians in western Pennsylvania for low cost spay/neuter of pets. They can also help people find services for feral cats.

Animal Rescue League of Western PA

6620 Hamilton Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15206


Low cost spay/neuter clinic.

Animals in Distress

PO Box 168

Catasauqua, PA 18032


Allentown area.

Animal Education League

Woodlyn PA


Lost cost s/n in PA, DE, and NJ.

Delaware County SPCA

Media, PA


Low cost spay/neuter for pets of people with low income.

Lehigh Valley Humane Society

Allentown, PA


Low cost spay/neuter for all pets.

Spayed Club

PO Box 1145

Frazer, PA 19355


Various low cost and subsidized spay/neuter programs throughout Pennsylvania's

Delaware Valley.

Sanctuary Hollow

2820 Audubon Village Drive

Norristown, PA 19403


Gives information about low cost spay/neuter.

Humane League of Lancaster County

Lancaster, PA


Low cost spay/neuter for unowned cats such as feral cats and barn cats.

Humane Society of Lackawanna County

Clarks Summit, PA 18411


Low cost spay/neuter for pets of people of need financial assistance to do so.

Ruth Steinert Memorial SPCA

Minersville, PA


Low cost spay/neuter clinic

Spay Neuter Assistance Program

Enola, PA


This program has a listing of participating vets in the area (central PA) who will alter cats at low cost.

Animal Rescue Inc.

New Freedom PA


Pennsylvania SPCA

Centre Halle, PA 814-364-1725

Philadelphia, PA 215-426-6300


Spay/neuter assistance program

R.I. Veterinary Medical Association


For pets of people with low income in Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts. Go to their web site to print the application, which must be sent to them by U.S. Mail.

Volunteer Services for Animals

Providence, RI


Very low cost programs for: pets of people with low income and feral cats.

Defenders of Animals

PO Box 5634

Weybosset Hill Station

Providence, RI 02903


Email: Statewide low cost spay/neuter program.


Friends of the Animals Project HALO

Chester SC


Inquire about any programs available for s/n of pets and ferals. Serves residents of Chester County.

Spay-Neuter Clinic

Shop Road

Columbia SC


Berkeley County PAWS

PO Box 903 Goose Creek, SC 29445


Grand Strand Humane Society S-N Clinic

Myrtle Beach SC


John Ancrum SPCA Low Cost S/N Clinic

West Ashley SC


Concerned Citizens for Animals

PO Box 1332

Simpsonville, SC 29681



Pet Helpers Inc.

Charleston SC



Animal Allies

PO Box 4788

Spartanburg, SC 29305

864-576-6971 web site


Animal Friends Humane Society

Prevent A Litter (PAL)

Rapid City SD


Depending on the funds they receive through fund raising, provides assistance for s/n of pets of people with financial need.

Friends of Twin City Animal Shelter

Lead, SD


Call the shelter for the phone numbers of the Friends of Twin City Animal Shelter. Depending on the funds they collect from fund raising, the Friends group provides assistance for spay/neuter of ferals and for s/n of pets of people with financial need.


Holly Help Memorial Spay Fund

Bristol VA / Bristol TN


Everyone is eligible for low cost s-n assistance, which is funded by the public through recycled aluminum cans.

People United for Animals PUFA

Bristol TN 37621


Lost cost s-n assistance in Bristol VA/TN

Humane Society of Greater Sullivan County

Kingsport TN


Northeast Tennessee Animal League

Blountville TN


McMinn Regional Humane Society

PO Box 7

Athens TN 37371


The Spay Station

Humane Association of Wilson County

Lebanon TN


Beesley Animal Humane Foundation Spay/Neuter Clinic

1140 Haley Road

Murfreesboro, TN 37129


Nashville Humane Association

112 Harding Place

Nashville, TN 37205


Call to learn about their low cost spay/neuter program, in partnership with Friends of Animals and with the Davidson County veterinary association.

Ken-Tenn Humane Society


Alcoa TN


Fix-A-Pet clinic

Seymour TN


Animal Foundation of East Tennessee


1637 Downtown West Blvd, Suite 16

Knoxville, TN 37919


Low cost s/n for everyone, and free for some clients who are low income.

People Promoting Animal Welfare (PPAW)

Greenback TN


Animal Protection Association

PO Box 11471

Memphis, TN 38111


Low cost s/n for pets and ferals.

Hardin County Adopt-A-Cat

8325 Highway 128 South

Savannah, TN 38372 email

Low cost spay/neuter for pets of county residents.

Hardin County Humane Society

PO Box 874

Savannah, TN 38326


Low cost spay/neuter for pets.


Germantown TN


Memphis area.

Spay/Neuter Assistance Program

Humphreys County Humane Society, TN


Provides some assistance for s/n of pets of low income people.

Humane Society of Putnam County

Cookeville TN


Cookeville/Putnam County Animal Shelter

Cookeville TN


Prevent Unwanted Pets

Cookeville TN



Texas state Animal Friendly Account

Contact the Fund for Animals 713-862-3863 for information about low cost spay/neuter available through the state's animal friendly car license plate fund.

Animal Defense League

11300 Nacogdoches Road

San Antonio, TX 78217


Free spay/neuter for pets of low-income people.

Spay Neuter Your Pet (SNYP)

PO Box 29435

Dallas, TX 75229


Discount certificates for pet spay/neuter in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

Luv A Pet S/N CLinic South Oak Cliff Dallas TX


HSUS Spay - Neuter Clinic/Animal Wellness Center

4830 Village Fair Drive

Dallas, TX


SPCA of Texas

Martin Spay/Neuter Clinic

Dallas, TX

214-651-9611 ext 116 or 133

Low cost spay/neuter. Also, for pets of qualified low income people, there are low cost veterinary services.

Brown County Humane Society

Brownwood TX 76801


Has a drawing to provide very low cost spay or neuter for 15 animals per month.

Animal Birth Control Clinic

Animal Aid Humane Society

1531 Wooded Acres Drive

Waco, TX 76710


Waco Humane Society

Waco, TX

254-399-9883 or 254-754-1454

Low cost or free spay/neuter for low income.

Fund for Animals

Spay/Neuter Clinic

1603 Shepherd Drive

Houston, TX


Humane Society of Southeast Texas

Beaumont TX 77705


Life Force Operation Spay

PMB 671

148 South Dowlen Road

Beaumont, TX 77707


"We welcome all low income, elderly folks and anyone not being able to afford the full price" of spay/neuter of pets.

Williamson County Humane Society

Cedar Park/Leander TX


Animana Birth Control Vet Center

Houston TX


Animal Trustees of Austin

5129 Cameron Road

Austin, TX 78723


Low cost spay/neuter and vaccinations.

Emancipet mobile clinic

Austin TX


713 Animals

Houston TX



Homeless Pet Placement League

PO Box 273027

Houston, TX 77277


Free spay/neuter for pets of qualified low income people.

Houston Humane Society S/N Clinic

14700 Almeda Road

Houston, TX 77053


Houston SPCA

900 Portway Drive

Houston, TX

713-869-7722 ext 136

Free spay/neuter and vaccinations for qualified low income.

Spay/Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP)

Mobile clinic

PO Box 440304

Houston, TX 77244


Mobile clinic goes to low income neighborhoods and provides free spay/neuter and vaccinations to pets for qualified low income.

Long Drive Dog & Cat Hospital

Houston TX


Spay/Neuter Assictance Program II (SNAP II) - See above

San Antonio, TX


Humane Society of North Texas

1840 East Lancaster

Fort Worth, TX 76103


Low cost spay/neuter for qualified low income.

North Texas Spay Neuter Coalition

Decatur, TX



Denton Low Cost Pet Sterilization and Vaccination Program

Denton, TX



No More Homeless Pets In Utah

Toll free 866-PETSFIX


Web: Operates a state wide mobile s/n clinic and a spay/neuter voucher program.

Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

Kanab, UT 84741-5001


435-644-2078 fax web site

Low cost spay/neuter clinic open to the public for ferals and pet cats. Also, a mobile van s/n clinic periodically visits remote areas in Utah and northern Arizona. Best Friends also offers a free manual at their web site about how to start a low cost spay/neuter program. The manual can also be requested by phone or mail.

Humane Society of Utah

PO Box 573659

Murray, UT 84157

801-261-2919 ext 214


Tails Up! Spay and Neuter Program

Peacham, VT


Elizabeth H. Brown Humane Society

c/o Ann Kimball

St. Johnsbury, VT


Cat Spay and Neuter Clinic

Green Mountain Animal Defenders

346 Roosevelt Highway

Colchester, VT 05446


North Country Animal League

PO Box 533

Morrisville, VT 05661


Free spay/neuter for pets in exchange for the owner's volunteer work at the League.


Angels of Assisi - Roanoke area

Roanoke VA


Traveling clinic for low cost s/n for pets of people with financial need -- and also for folks who rescue strays and folks who are feral cat caretakers. The service travels within about an hour radius of Roanoke.

Metro Cat Action Team (MCAT)

Washington DC metro area


MCAT provides low-cost and no-cost spay/neuter services and vaccinations for outdoor cats. They also provide training about trap-neuter-return and they lend humane traps. MCAT is a local program of Alley Cat Allies, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to helping feral cats by reforming ineffective, inhumane animal control policies and providing resources for thousands of individuals and organizations who care for these cats.

Holly Help Memorial Spay Fund

Bristol VA / Bristol TN


Everyone is eligible for low cost spay neuter assistance, which is funded by the public through recycled aluminum cans.

Animal Defense League

Abingdon VA

TOLL FREE 1-877-301-2290

People United for Animals PUFA

PO Box 1082

Bristol TN 37621


Lost cost s-n assistance in Bristol VA/TN

Planned Pethood Clinic

Boones Mill VA


Low cost s/n for cats and dogs.

Virginia Partnership for Animal Welfare and Support (VA PAWS)

Christiansburg VA


Low cost s/n once a week in Christiansburg in conjunction with the mobile clinic provided by Angels of Assisi.

Cat's Cradle Virginia

Harrisonburg VA


Web: Participating veterinarians in Harrisonburg, Dayton, and Stephens City.

Kindred Spirits

Staunton VA


Valley Cats

Harrisonburg VA


Spay/Neuter Inc.


King George Animal Rescue League

PO Box 1143

King George VA 22485


Call them for information about s/n at very good prices.

Virginia Kincheloe Spay/Neuter Clinic

452 TV Drive

Fredericksburg/Spotsylvania VA 22408


Spay/Neuter Inc.

Stuarts Draft VA


For pets of people with low income.

Spay and Neuter All Pets (SNAP)

PO Box 1277

Louisa, VA 23093

540-967-3573 (Central Virginia)

Prevent A Litter Coalition

PO Box 1442

Centreville, VA 20122



Low cost s/n for pets of people with low income.

Alexandria Animal Shelter

Alexandria, VA


Offers discounts on spay/neuter at many veterinary clinics in the area. No restrictions on income.

Animal Welfare League of Arlington

Arlington, VA


Feral Cat Program Spay/Neuter Clinic

Clinic location Northwest DC

Managed by Metro Ferals

PO Box 7138

Arlington, VA 22207


or call Alley Cat Allies 202-667-3630 ext 112

Low cost spay/neuter, testing, and vaccinations for feral or stray cats.

Spay Inc.

PO Box 3240

Arlington, VA 22203


703-521-2677 web site

Help for residents of Maryland, DC, and Virginia.

Meower Power

Feral Cat Coalition Inc.

PO Box 9696

Chesapeake, VA 23321

757-399-0001 Email

Has monthly spay/neuter for ferals at low cost.

Virginia Beach SPCA

Virginia Beach VA


Tidewater Humane

Tidewater area VA


Partners Among Cats and Canines (PACC)

Franklin VA


Norfolk SPCA (Tidewater region) Norfolk VA


Richmond Spay & Neuter Foundation

Richmond VA

For the Love of Animals in Goochland (FLAG)

PO Box 115

Manakin-Sabot, VA 23103


Prevent A Litter Clinic (PAL)


Richmond VA


Petersburg/Colonial Heights SPCA


Operation Catnip of Richmond

Richmond VA



Spay/neuter for feral and stray cats.

PetFix Coalition


Charlottesville SPCA

PO Box 7047

Charlottesville, VA 22906


Discounts on spay/neuter according to income of pet owner.


Spay & Neuter Clinic



Municipal Spay & Neuter Clinic

Seattle WA


Bellevue Neuter & Vaccination Clinic

12005 NE 12th

Bellevue, WA


Low cost spay/neuter for pets of Seattle residents.

Feral Cat Spay/Neuter Project

Serving the Greater Puget Sound area.




Free testing, vaccinations, and spay/neuter for feral cats brought by caretakers.

City of Seattle

Municipal Spay/Neuter Clinic

2061 15th Avenue W

Seattle, WA

206-386-4260 ext 4

Low cost spay/neuter for all.

Spay/Neuter Clinic

17211 15th NE

Seattle, WA


Animal Clinic of Kent

Kent WA


Cascade Animal Protection Society

Federal Way WA


Peninsula Spay/Neuter Project

PO Box 306

Burley WA 98322


Provides certificates for low cost s/n for cats and dogs to be used at participating area veterinarians. Also has assistance for feral cats.

Harbor Association of Volunteers for Animals

(HAVA Heart)

PO Box 1913 Westport, WA 98595


Cedardale Neuter & Vaccination Clinic

Mount Vernon, WA



Aberdeen WA


Leave message and this volunteer group will call you back within 7-8 days.

Family Pet Surgery

Marysville WA


Purrfect Pals

Arlington WA


Pets and ferals.

Whidbey Animals' Improvement Foundation (WAIF)

PO Box 1108

Coupeville, WA 98239

360-678-5816 north

360-331-2818 south

Free spay/neuter for ferals plus low cost spay/neuter for qualified low income pets.

Peninsula Spay & Neuter Clinic

1265 Old Clifton Rd SW

Port Orchard, WA 98366


Animal Surgery & Vaccination Clinic

Everett WA


Bellevue Neuter & Vaccination Clinic

Bellevue WA)


People for Abandoned Pets

Bellevue WA


Vets for Less

Lynnwood WA


Humane Society of Seattle/King County

13212 SE Eastgate Way

Bellevue, WA 98005


Low cost spay/neuter for pets.

Vets for Less

Kirkland, WA



7741 Cook Underwood Road

Underwood, WA


Serves the mid-Columbian area in Oregon and Washington state. PROD will pay a percentage of spay/neuter costs, depending on income level, at any vet in the mid-Columbian area, including towns such as Hood River, The Dalles, and Cascade Locks, Oregon -- and Bingen/White Salmon, Stevenson, and Underwood, Washington.


Metro Cat Action Team (MCAT)

Washington DC metro area


Feral Cat Program Spay/Neuter Clinic

Clinic location Northwest DC

Managed by Metro Ferals

PO Box 7138

Arlington, VA 22207


or call Alley Cat Allies 202-667-3630 ext 112

Low cost spay/neuter, testing, and vaccinations for feral or stray cats.

District of Columbia Animal Shelter

1201 New York Avenue, NE

Washington, DC 20002


Call for information and hours. Usually offers lower cost spay/neuter four days a week, including weekends.

Washington Humane Society

7315 Georgia Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20012



Spay Inc.

PO Box 3240

Arlington, VA 22203



web site

Help for residents of Maryland, DC, and Virginia.

Washington Animal Rescue League

71 Oglethorpe Street, NW

Washington, DC 20011


Low cost spay/neuter and veterinary services for pets. Phone first for information.


Monongalia County Humane Society

Morgantown WV


Low cost s/n for feral or stray cats.

Harrison County Humane Society

Saltwell Road

Shinnston, WV


Low cost spay/neuter and vaccinations for qualified low income.

Citizens for the Prevention of Animal Cruelty (C-PAC)

Low Cost S/N Program CA

Fayetteville WV


For residents of Fayette County.

Spay Today

panhandle of WV

304-728-8330 (see "About Us"). Serves panhandle of WV and also Frederick County, Virginia.


Humane Animal Welfare Society

Waukesha WI


Countryside Humane Society

Racine WI


Low cost s/n services offered once a week for pets of Racine County residents.

9Lives Animal Adoption & Rescue

Milwaukee WI


City Animal Hospital

Glendale WI


Wisconsin Humane Society

SNAP Program

Milwaukee WI


Wisconsin Friends of Animals

Milwaukee WI


Animal Protective League

Wauwatosa WI


Alliance for Animals

112 State Street #605

Madison, WI 53703


For people who can't afford it, AFA helps pay for spay/neuter of pets and rescued strays.

Washburn County Area Humane Society

Spooner, WI

Helps pay for spay/neuter for pets of people of fixed income or low income.


Central Wyoming S & N Foundation

Casper WY 82602


Pet Pals Inc.

HC 76, Box 58

Hawk Springs, WY 82217

307-532-3861 Web site

SNIP -- for Cheyenne, Laramie and Wyoming counties

Cheyenne Animal Shelter

Cheyenne, WY


Provides some assistance for spay/neuter.

Stacy and Diana Childs Foundation

Laramie County WY


Assistance for pets of people with financial need.

St Francis Animal Shelter

Buffalo WY


Periodic spay/neuter clinics and certificates.