Random pic from the internet. Just Google puppy mill and you will see so much more! These pics are posted for public awarness to help put a stop to puppy mills. |
A slightly gray haired woman sits at her kitchen table looking out at the rain tapping against the large picture window. Her coffee cup is in hand with a fresh pot brewing on the countertop. A sliver of half eaten chocolate cake lay nearby. The pen and pad sit neatly off to the side not only ready to take information, but to give it as well. Information about breed clubs, lists of litters, vet checks, and parental registrations. A large book on dogs with pages clearly marked by colored post-it notes lay just on the other side of the pad to give quick information on the breed of puppies she is selling. The phone is on speaker so she can continue to eat her cake and thumb through the book of dogs with their highlighted traits if necessary. The background is eerily quiet. Why so eerily quiet? Because she has no pets!
This is not an in depth article. In depth articles are for true reporters who get paid the big bucks to investigate! This is an article to make you think twice before you do business with unknown people when you are looking to buy a puppy. Please read carefully and know what pitfalls to look for. I would like to say kudos to the sites I have listed below for putting the information out there for the rest of us to pass along! After all word of mouth spreads like wildfire!
A few years back a local pet store in PA was taken to court by many irate customers who had purchased sick puppies from them. The end result? The pet store was ordered by the court not to sell puppies for the next five years. Shortly thereafter, two of the three stores they owned were closed completely. I have to admit, I did wonder what happened to all the puppies that they were breeding at their home, as well as what happened to the pups which were already in the store waiting to be sold. Suddenly I noticed an influx of ‘puppy for sale’ ads in the local paper. Coincidence? Maybe!
Over the last couple of months I have been hearing more and more about puppy brokers. Puppy brokers are the middle man which basically move/sell puppies for puppy mills but many times represent themselves as something totally different.
Moving puppies from mills is what pet stores do now, but since more customers are getting wise to pet store involvement with such breeders and with the puppy lemon laws in place, a different middle man has come into the picture to continue to sell poor quality dogs for the sake of the almighty dollar.
I think private brokers consider themselves safe from guidelines of any unlawful act because they really have nothing to do with the breeding of the actual dogs. Most do not house the pups or take control of the health and well being of the pup either. But in many cases they mislead the public greatly by representing themselves as either the breeder or a representative of a reputable breed club so they are seen in a greater light.
I see in my mind’s eye a broker posting an ad in the paper for puppy mills or back yard breeders and it reads something like this:
Let me sell your half dead, diseased, ill tempered or crippled puppy for you, I am a good bull ~shitter! Cash payment only!
Since the general public is becoming more aware of the connection between puppy mills and pet stores accompanied by the fact that some government agencies are cracking down on puppy mills, more and more of these “Puppy Brokers” are showing up making false representations of who they really are.
In many cases the public is so mislead that they don’t realize that they have purchased a puppy from a broker, not from the breeder!
This business is only going to grow as the squeeze is put on bad breeders. On another downside, if the pups are not sold, you may start hearing of the mass slaughtering of puppies. After all, there is no profit in housing and caring for puppies for any length of time.
In looking around for information on this topic I recently came upon the site for the Hunte Corporation (Goodman, Missouri). They have an inviting website and they make you think they are all about the healthy puppy. But I had to question why, if they are all about the healthy puppy, would they need a 100,000 square foot warehouse space and an employee range of approximately 300 people? And why were there so many different breeds up for sale? Does this sound like a reputable place to you? Because to me it seems like a big warehouse of puppy mill puppies, albeit a very clean looking one to house them briefly! I’m not sure how much I would trust the health certificates from the Veterinarians that might be getting their pay checks from this company.
According Hunte's video, they buy/acquire litters from “reputable USDA Licensed breeders in their area.” No offense, but as far as I am concerned, dogs are still considered property by law, so how much should I trust that the USDA is really looking out for the pups welfare, especially if there is a fast turnover? While the living conditions at Hunte look as though they are kept in are in good shape for inspections, I think this company is well versed in what they need to do to slip by and pass an inspection.
Also, when it comes to the USDA guidelines, in their booklet once you get through the $$$$ they have listed for fees to register with them, they state these limited standards.
“Basically the Federal animal care standards cover humane handling, housing, space, feeding watering, sanitation, ventilations, shelter from extremes of weather, adequate veterinary care, separation of incompatible animals, transportation and handling in transits.”
So, is this why Hunte has its own vet staff, vet techs, and cleaning personal?
I wonder what adequate veterinary care means in the USDA guidelines. If a pup is in poor health is it treated appropriately or just put down?
USDA Guideline If you are an animal broker: Anyone who deals in regulated animals but does not take physical possession must be licensed. If you meet this definition of a broker, you are exempt from certain regulations imposed on dealers who handle animals, but you need the same type of license. Annual license fees are based on income from commissions and brokerage fees (with no deductions)
Basically if you live in the hills where no one knows you and you own a puppy mill, or if you are a back yard breeder, or broker, you can easily fly under the radar. Face it, there are too many out there for USDA to find, let alone enforce their rules. As well, a broker can take cash money to sell a puppy leaving no paper trail as everything is in the breeder’s name.
Hunte Corporation also states that the pups are AKC registered, and if you are a reader of my blog you will remember that I did post an article a while back called “What’s in a registration anyway?” which told of that very same pet store above that was taken to court and closed up. Foolishly way back when, I purchased a St Bernard puppy from them which was AKC registered and deemed deformed by my Vet at six months of age. I have heard a lot of pet store horror stories over the years so I have a hard time taking stock in what Hunte says because they do provide puppies to pet stores.
I don’t mean to get off on a tangent (well maybe I do!) with this particular company because I am sure there are more out there just like them, but watching their video as it regards to the pups care and staff interaction until the pups reach “their destination” which of course is meant to sound like a new home, but meticulously throughout the video, new home is linked with pet store, well, it just gives me the chills! (I don’t know, maybe I’m a skeptic, but to me something smells like poop in Goodmen, Missouri.)
If you Google Hunte Corporation you will see more on this operation from many who have reported on them. One article I found mentioned how much Hunte’s owner proclaimed to have founded the company for "God" and to carry “God’s Word.”
Umm, so? Hopefully those that believe in God naturally carry his word, but don’t make money off of puppy mills and don’t use that as part of their advertisement! Hey, if you’re truly moral, it should stand on its own!
You can read this article here. http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Hunte_Corporation
Obviously the point I am trying to get across is “Caveat Emptor.” Let the buyer beware!
Anyone can make a dandy website (heck look at this one! Ha, ha) and say what they want to say and show what they want to show. But that’s all it is, a website. It’s like a rag newspaper; do you believe everything you read? (well okay I agree, whatever is written about Lindsey Lohan I believe!)
With that being said, my skepticism looks to the future, and I would not be surprised that once the public gets more educated about puppy brokers, the broker's next move may be a staged home with a fake breeders, and fake doggie parents! Heck, maybe even fake children running around!
Keep in mind that puppy mill dogs are not only unhealthy, but they can be mentally unstable as well. Their temperament may not really reflect upon the true breed’s temperament because they have very little human contact which can make them shy or aggressive.
If you should find yourself in this situation, there are puppy lemon laws in most states, and even though you have fallen in love with the puppy, it may cost you more than you know in the long run if you don't take it back.
Poor temperaments can cause injuries to someone in the family or outside the family which can in turn only get you sky high medical bills or law suits. The dog itself may also end up requiring serious and expensive life time vet care.
Always ask questions and if the seller seems evasive or vague, take a second, third, and fourth look at them. A good breeder will know everything there is to know about that breed. Always expect a lengthy interview and a contract with a reputable breeder. They don’t let just anyone have their pups!
What to watch for
While I have tried to put together as much as I could to spot puppy brokers, if it feels wrong in the gut of your stomach, it probably is. Don't let your heart sway you on this matter unless you are prepared for a let down.
1) Don’t take someone’s word for it over the phone no matter how pleasant they sound. A good bullshit artist can talk you into not only taking the puppy but also a bag of poop!
2) If there is only one pup at the time of pick up and the mother is not around for you to see, a red flag should go up! Really any story can be made up regarding the mother like it died during childbirth. Think it through, if it does not make sense it probably isn’t true!
3) If there are no papers stating the owners name or if the name on the papers do not match who you are talking to it’s a red flag. Make sure the name, phone, and address match where you are picking up the pup.
4) Don’t meet to pick up the pup on neutral territory, brokers will make you feel that they are doing you a favor by meeting you half way, but really they don’t want you see where the pup came from. As well, they don’t want you to know where they live in case you want to complain or bring the puppy back. It’s much easier once sold, that they not pick up the phone, especially with caller ID and cell phones! Breaking off contact with you once you've paid and picked up the pup is sooooo easy to do.
5) The majority of reputable breeders will talk to you for hours to be sure you are the right fit for one of their dogs. That’s a given. But a good broker can up the ante with good bullshit as well, this is when you really want to scout out how the dogs are kept, you want to meet the parent or parents of the pup, you want to write in the contract that the dog will be taken back by the breeder if it is deemed unhealthy. (Get that puppy checked out by your own vet reasonably fast. )
Most breeders will take back one of their own even after years of it living out of their home. Remember my baby Steeler? 3 years later he came home again. In most contracts you will see it stated that you must notify the breeder before you do anything with the dog in terms of finding it a new home.
6) If you have gotten one pup from a person and it was deemed sick by your own vet, don’t get another from them. Normally you have a certain amount of time to get a health check by your own vet. DO IT! Suggest that it be in the contract that you want the choice of getting your money back and not be forced to take another pup if 2 or more vets state that the likelihood of the litter being of good breeding stock are low. It may cost you a little money but it is worth it. Both parties should sign and date any amendments. If that is not aggreable to them sometimes it is better to take a loss and learn a lesson because in the end it could cost you so much more.
7) Talk to the vet office that did the initial care of the mother and the pups. While the office staff has the right and possible duty to deny you information, there is also the slight chance that they will answer some basic information. They may give you their personal opinion as to whether or not they would buy a pup from that person. So if you say "I'm looking to buy a puppy from Joe Schmo and it says on the papers that your office examined the mother and pups, would you recomend I continue with the purchase?" The employee can simply reply "yes or no" which would be a big indicator.
8) If you can’t visit the site where the puppy is housed and meet the person who actually bred or owns the pup, it may be wise to rethink your decision on such a purchase.
After note:
Although I started this article well over a week ago something recently happened that sadly tells yet another horror story of a puppy mill pup or back yard breeder.
If you have your own story to tell, post it below. I’d love to hear from you.
Puppy Lemon Laws by State: click here
For USDA guidelines click here
The Hunte Corporation website click here
Example of a broker using the name of a breed club to sell Shorkies , Actually in checking over and adding updates to this blog article it seems the site below has moved to somewhere else under another name
blog on AKC registerd pups from pet stores click here
Update/ 10/19/2013: I also wanted to add this back link to a site that has great information for you to report puppy mills. click here
To find which places sell puppy mill puppies in your area click here
Every time, no matter the year, when I find something new on mills I will update this particular blog. as of 5/10/14 this was going around Face Book. Click on this list
This regulation Bill defines a commercial dog or cat breeder as a person who has ownership interest in animals and is in the business of breeding animals for sale. Those who possess 10 or more intact animals and produce more than five litters a year (for dog an d cat). Read more here and here
Special thanks to "Retrieve A Golden Of Minnesota" Rescue for bringing this to my attention.
Let keep mills in the forefront and hopefully other states will follow suit.
UPDATE 6-29-2014~ There is a scheme going on in Amarillo Texas and I suspect more all over the country where people are going to shelters and adopting full bred dogs only to turn around and try to make a profit off of them. They are not particular about the age of the dog, they are taking them because they are purebred. If they don't sell them they either return them to another shelter, sell them as bait dogs or just kill them by starving them to death. This is called "Dog Flipping" I urge you to make sure you know where that dog in the newspaper really came from when it is advertised privately. What I would do is if you see such an add check out your local pounds and rescues to see if they just recently adopted out such a dog. If the connection of the recent adoption and sale from the private owner seem too close then there might be a problem. Sad that such disgusting people exist but they do and we have to shut them down with every new trick they throw our way.
Update 7-7- 2014 Humane society of the United States names 101 puppy mills
click here
Think Puppy mills aren't all over the US in every state? Think they don't effect you in your area? Read this from a local animal shelter
ReplyDeleteHaven 2 home www.haventohome.org http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#!/group.php?gid=67933604560
local animal shelter has just reported that animals are being rescued and transported by volunteers after being rescued from Misourri mills.
"These are dogs coming from Missouri Mills going to Boston...these dogs are victims of Proposition B in Missouri which limits breeders to 50 breeding dogs at a time....the breeders are shooting, drowning, burning the dogs they can't keep is what the Transport Coordinator told me so that is why they are trying to move these dogs out as quickly as possible......they are almost all small breeds.....very sad..these dogs are spending days on the road so as not to die by these horrid means."
Another follow up. These brokers are starting to advertise on Ebay! yeah unbelievable, I know! read about it here and sign the petition.
While I agree something needs to be done, killing them may be extreme! I would like them to do jail time so they know what it is like to live in a small cage. I would like them arrested on the spot with no time give to clean the area because when they are given time they start killing the animals and not in a humane way. If they were arrested on the spot then a team could come in and evaluate the dogs and euthanize them in a humane manner if needed. If you know of a puppy mill report them. There are too many out there with too little inspectors to find them.
ReplyDeleteThe USDA has their hands full with the few people they have to check out all puppy mills or puppy brokers. If you know of a mill or broker that has gotten at least five bad reviews please post the link here. To date over 1800 people have read this article. If The USDA is limited in what it can do, we can help others and spare them the pain and heartache from buying a pup from such people by posting links here. One bad review is not enough as that may only mean a disgruntled customer, several bad unrelated reviews would show the public to beware. I personally know of this place through a coworker and was horrified to read even more reviews that are coming in on this particular place.
This just in from a friend in Florida :
ReplyDeleteyou place an animal on Craigs List please beware as there are some people in the South Florida area that are getting the animals and re selling them. This is what they do:
"Hi I work from home and I own my house and have a yard to play in I can give a forever and loving home and you can come to my house and visit and see where he will be living 9547097920"
Everything she has said is a lie. She says she has a husband, she doesn’t. She says she has one
son, she has two. She says she owns her own house, she doesn’t. She says she has a fenced in yard, she doesn’t. She’ll tell you she’s had vet tech
experience. She is full of lies just to get your animal. These are the names, addresses and phones she is using, but remember there may be more:
Linda Gall
also goes
Jill R Schafer
Diana Peters
Death Row Dogs
Redlands Rescue
4341 SW 24th Street
Fort Lauderdale 33317
And note that “Diana Peters”—really Linda Gall, though she pretends to be a rescue has been legally charged with selling dogs also.
http://www2.miami-dadeclerk.com/cef/CitationSearch.aspx (Click on
Name and then enter Peters, Diana and you'll see the many citations)
This man is another suspicious
KennyLewis klewis709@gmail.com might also email you about your dog. He emails EVERYONE about their dog. Not sure what he is doing with all these dogs either. Unrelated to Linda Gall fiasco.
Thank you so much for this information!!!! I searched her email address and found this page. Thank you!
DeleteI just received the below email tonight on a poodle that I am trying to rehome that was found as a stray:
from: gallrock@comcast.com
used to work at a vet hopstial years ago now I work from home fixing computers I and I am home all the timeI can give a loving and forever home and you can even visit from time to time call me 954 5342656
I am so glad I found this page. i am going back and forth wih this same person. I wanted to try and find a home for a dog that showed up in my house and is a sweet dog. I dont want to take her to the pound with fear they may euthanize her. Thank you SO MUCH!!!
DeleteThank you for posting this!!!! I just got an email from her about my dog and was doing a little research. Thank you!!!!!
DeleteThank you so much for posting this! I linked this article on south florida craigslist so hopefully people will realize what's going on. absolutely unbelievable what some people will stoop to for money
DeleteI am so glad to have found this article! I was contacted by her, under the name of Linda Maurer, interested in adopting my dog that I had listed on rescueme.org. The number she gave me was (561) 419-5959. When I called that number, her voicemail gave another number, (954)-534-2656. I found this article by doing a google search for that number. This is heartbreaking, as I thought I had found someone sincere who could provide a loving family for my that we love dog but doesn't get along with my toddler. I am thankful to have found this.
DeleteGod, thanks so much. Apparently she's still at it. I listed my foster dog on Craigslist and she e-mailed me. She only identified herself as "Linda," but I have a caller ID that identified her as "Linda Gall," so I Googled her. Phew. You saved me some heartbreak, man.
DeleteI recently bought a puppy from the Fish Bowl pet store in Amityille, NY and found out too late where this poor dog came from. I researched the breeder on the certificate and found an online video of his disgusting puppy mill. I wanted to cry. I think a lot of people (I was one of them) are unaware of where these pet store dogs come from. We could all do our part to help STOP THE DEMAND for these dogs to be bred by simply posting a message on Facebook / Twitter letting people know NOT to patronize pet shops that sell puppies as they come from inhumane puppy mills. Ask people to repost on their wall and we will have a viral message out there. Each one of us can a make a change.
ReplyDeleteOh my Gosh! This lady just emailed me, Thank you so much! I googled her name and found this. I cannot believe this. I am so happy you told me this. Please be aware she is still doing it.
ReplyDeletethis person seems to be all over the place
and she is here as well~
ReplyDeletecockers lynann English~ new business
another one to be wary of is Joy Thomas Terriers from MO
Thank you for posting this. We were so close to buying a dog from this lady. A red flag (or two) went up when she asked us virtually no questions, wanted to meet us rather than us pick the dog up and the puppies are not on her property, they are with her "business partner". THANK YOU.
DeleteWe were about to buy a puppy from her too, I'm glad we saw this. I have started to get a bad feeling about them. She has been extremely slow to send us pictures of available puppies, when I asked how many females were available she said she "would have to check"...if its anything close to a professional operation she should know off the top of her head how many are available. We are going to keep looking...
DeleteThank you will for that update. Anyone else wish to post? It is a couple years since I wrote this article and this person's name continues to come up. Beware , she is not the only one!
DeleteI did buy a puppy from her about a year ago this past September... a fox terrier in fact. I came from Little Rock, AR and she advised she could save me some gas by sending a friend to show the dogs in Springfield, MO, which I was glad to hear. She added a sales tax and puppy fee from the deliverer.. which she never discussed with me. My male puppy has been ok, though he has a few quirky things about him. I did suspect she may be a puppy mill, and have wondered if she is from Hot Springs, AR know as "Pam Thomas" who they arrested back in 2011 for having terrible conditions at her house regarding puppies.. Said her name was Joy Thomas...
DeleteI have a hard time believing that. I bought an irish terrier from Joy Thomas and she was fantastic to work with. She let me know the day they were born, sent me pics within 2 weeks, sent papers, shipped when she said she would, vet checked her out and my dog was fine, and my dog is exactly what we asked for- a playful and loving dog. I would use her again in a heartbeat.
DeleteYes absolutely buyer beware if considering a puppy from Thomas Terriers. Love my Irish and Welsh but have invested thousands of dollars in vet bills for allergy hip issues
DeleteI bought from Joy in 2010 and have no complaints.
DeleteI bought a Fox Terrier from Thomas Terriers about 6 months ago. I didn't see this or I would have passed. I did go an pick the puppy up at her home, she did offer to have someone meet us for an extra fee. She did have a large kennel with about 25 dogs that I could see. She has a small house, which she seems to be using for the moms with pups. She did give us a love of information, CKC papers, I thought the dogs were AKC.
DeleteMy puppy had pink on her nose, and I was assured that the nose would change to all black in a month or two. I checked on the net, and yes they are born with pink noses that change to black. I didn't get to see the inside of the dog house. She didn't show me anymore of her pups. I did get a strange feeling, even though we did go to her.We were tired after the 13 hour drive from Nashville.
Now at 6 months my dog is cute, but her nose is still pink in places, I can tell it won't change. She hasn't had a hair cut yet and doesn't need one. She doesn't have the Fox Terrier beard, and her legs are bald. At this rate it might be another 6 months before she has enough hair to trim.
This is why I started to really think there was something up with Joy. My dog does have a sweet personality but, she really is more of what you would expect to find at the pound as a mixed breed and not a pure Fox. She wasn't worth the money I spent for her. Most people tell me she looks like Eddie from the TV show Frazier.
I got a welsh terrier from Joy Thomas about 2 years ago. I was so excited when i saw her picture i paid my deposit and i couldn't wait to get her the following week Joy was great to work with and answered any of my concerns.. During that week waiting period i did some research and saw that Joy was arrested a long time ago for puppy mill issues and all the negative posts about her. I was devastated thinking i was going to get a puppy with a bunch of issues and i would be supporting a puppy mill. I was already in love with her and when i got her she was perfect. She is beautiful, smart, crazy, and glued to my hip. I feel like i rescued her because i know she doesnt belong with anyone else but me. So be cautious, but also know that there are puppies there that deserve a good home. Make her be a responsible breeder by visiting the location if you plan on getting a puppy from her.
DeleteWe had the same experience. We love our pup and he is definitely a wire fox, so I feel I rescued him, but I am notw constantly worried what the future may hold for him.
DeleteI bought a Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier puppy from Joy Thomas in 1998. He just turned 16 1/2 years old on December 16 and has the joy of my life. No complaints and no regrets whatsoever!!!
DeleteRe: Joy Thomas
DeleteMy Irish Terrier has Atopic Dermatitis which he developed before one year of age. He takes Atopica every 3 to 4 days to keep it under control. Very expensive and will need to take it for life or he is miserable. His feet literally looked like raw hamburger and would again if he stopped the medication. We also got a Welsh terrier from JT a few weeks after we got the Irish. Of course this was before we were aware of the skin issues. We noticed after a couple months that he wad limping, discovered he had Calves Perths disease. He underwent AFO surgery. ..about $3000.00. He is doing well but is unable to jump onto the couch or chair. We have steps for him to use. No...nothing good to say about JT. Totally irresponsible breeder to say the least.
We bought a weimaraner puppy from Joy in 2004. He was extremely anxious from the moment we brought him home. She said they bred for large, calm males. Our boy was small for a male (about 70 pounds), and he barked and paced constantly. After years of behavioral modification training, homeopathic remedies, and eventually medication; he sadly became so anxious and self-destructive he was dangerous to himself and our children. After a particualarly disturbing episode, and declining physical health (down to 56 pounds even though he ate constantly), we euthanized him. It was a horrible and very sad experience. Our veterinarians believed he had congenital issues that led to his behavioral problem. He also struggled with bad allergies (ear infections, anal gland issues, poor/thin coat) his whole life. We have another weimaraner with none of this issues (different breeder). After we purchased Henry, I emailed Joy several times for pictures of his parents and more information on the temperment of his parents. We never received a response. I was not surprised to see her name on the list for puppy mills. It saddens me that I contributed to her bottom line and to the further exploitation of those poor breeding dogs. :(
DeleteSince our Wire Fox Terrier just got put down our family decided we wanted to get a Welsh Terrier. One member decided we should go back to Thomasterrieris.com till I found this post and realized that this is not a good place to get a dog. We bought a Wire Fox Terrier from Joy back in 2004. We recently just put him down after developing DM (Degenerative myelopathy) @ the age of 12. Unfortunately our dog had allergies and all types of problems. I can say we spent north 10k on vet bills and surgeries. This is probably a breeder you want to stay away from if this many people have written negative reviews.
DeleteI bought my male Welsh Terrier from Joy Thomas almost three years ago. I thought I was lucky to even find a Welsh breeder after having done a search resulting in just a few nationwide, most quite a distance from me . Now I'm just horrified to think my little guy started life in such conditions! No red flags went up when they offered to "meet half way". Two other purchasers were doing the same when I arrived. All went well with a signed vet's report, vaccination records and registration papers. Buddy has been perfectly healthy from the first visit to my own vet and every appointment since. He's a perfectly confirmed and colored Welsh who is so very loving, smart, playful and all terrier! Guess I'm a lucky one given all the horrific things reported about Joy Thomas. Wouldn't trade my guy for the world. I too feel as though I have rescued him. He's a wonderful, friendly companion who knows no strangers and woos everyone with his handsome good looks and charming personality. He's snuggling with me and giving sweet licks as I write this. To think that I was actually thinking of sending an update and photos to her like those she shows on her website! Now I honestly doubt their validity. Of course, my caveat is don't support this puppy mill in any way! Sad and heartbreaking. I'm just grateful to have Buddy and to warn others against Joy Thomas......
DeleteRe: Joy Thomas. We bought a wheaten from Joy, and he had multiple congenital health problems, including eyes, skin, and lack of cartilage in his hip sockets that caused constant pain for our poor dog. My vet sent her a letter detailing the issues with our dog, and insisted that she no longer breed those parents. She contacted me to recommend a vet in the Ozarks who would "give me a deal" on hip surgery for my dog. My sons are allergic to dogs, or I would head to the shelter for our pets. Do not buy an animal from Joy Thomas!
DeleteI unfortunately purchased my puppy from Joy Thomas as well. At the time her website was just a litter of Australian Shepherds, so I thought that's all she was breeding (word to the wise, if they are breeding multiple different breeds then it's usually a puppy mill). Then I started to see she was posting different kinds of dogs, and I was worried while waiting for my pup. From the moment we received him, we knew something was wrong. His demeanor has never been an outgoing and crazy Aussie. Instead he was extremely shy, scared of humans and other animals, to this day (he's 5 now), he shrinks back thinking someone will hit him if they raise their hand too fast (and we've never spanked him or anything). Fast forward to his 1st birthday, he was diagnosed with luxating patellas and hip dysplasia. I sent an e-mail to Joy letting her know so that she won't continue to breed the parents anymore (I didn't want a refund or to return my baby, I love him with all my heart). She wrote back a nasty e-mail about how I caused my dog harm and that none of the things I stated were genetic, when they definitely are! It makes me sad to think about what my baby must have gone through. I pray for all the other dogs every day.
DeletePurchased a wire fox from Joy 1 year ago. Just spent $1800.00 on a hip operation. Had I seen this site previously I would not have bought anything from her. NOT A REPUTABLE BREEDER
DeleteDuring her two year suspension, she continued to deal in animals but immediately after her suspension, she obtained a license and had a very large dog auction. She stated at the time she was getting out of the dog business. Her violations of the Animal Welfare Act began almost immediately after she obtained a new license, and she most certainly did not get out of the dog business. In June of 2000, USDA reports she had over 200 adult breeding dogs and 93 puppies.-
DeleteShe again had another auction in October 2002 stating that she was getting out of the wholesale business and not going to have a USDA license any longer. She stated that she was only going to act as a pet shop (which is not regulated by USDA). Then in March, 2004 she had yet another auction.
APHIS inspectors found the Thomases failed to:
Delete--maintain programs of disease control and prevention, euthanasia, and adequate veterinary care under the supervision of a veterinarian;
--develop, document and follow an appropriate plan to provide dogs with the opportunity for exercise;
--individually identify dogs;
--provide veterinary care to animals in need of care;
--provide dogs in outdoor housing facilities protection from the elements;
--construct and maintain primary dog enclosures with floors that protect the animals' feet and legs from injury;
--maintain primary dog enclosures that are structurally sound and in good repair;
--remove excreta from primary enclosures to prevent soiling of the dogs and to reduce disease hazards, insects, pests and odors;
--wait until a dog was at least 8 weeks old before delivering it to a purchaser;
--detain a puppy for five days before selling it to a purchaser;
--deliver the proper records to the purchaser of a dog; and
--deliver a health certificate to the purchaser of a dog.
CHECK THIS OUT!! Educate yourself before purchasing. It is so sad that she continues to sell puppies.
RE: Joy Thomas. My 5 year old male Welsh Terrier purchased from Joy Thomas was diagnosed with atopic dermatitis and now with hypothyroidism.
DeleteOct 24 here and I just got a reply from Linda Gall, gallrocks@comcast.net, in response to a dog to good home ad I placed. Still at it so beware!
ReplyDeleteMe too today - Feb 12th 2012. You try to do a good thing and there are people out there just trying to make money on the back of someone else's tragedy. Nice.
DeleteThank you so much for this information!!!! I searched her email address and found this page. Thank you!
DeleteI just received the below email tonight on a poodle that I am trying to rehome that was found as a stray:
from: gallrock@comcast.com
used to work at a vet hopstial years ago now I work from home fixing computers I and I am home all the timeI can give a loving and forever home and you can even visit from time to time call me 954 5342656
We purchased a Welsh Terrier from Joy in 2013. After a couple months she developed a terrible allergy itching. We took her to Iowa State Vet college and they did allergy testing and she is allergic to a lot of normal outdoor stuff. We give her Apoquel which really helps control the itch which is quite expensive. Joy has a proven track record of not following proper healthy breeding techniques. Wish we would of seen this post before we bought her. We can afford to give her the medicine so we really rescued her.
DeleteThanks for the update!
ReplyDeleteWARNING: There is a woman (also mentioned above) named LINDA GALL who is still "adopting" dogs from craigslist and then turning around and selling them for profit. Here is what her initial email sounds like...
ReplyDelete"Hi, I work from home and I am home all the time and have a house and a yard to play in. I can give a loving and forever home 9545342656 and u can visit from time to time if u like to."
Please repost this info on every blog you can so it comes up on google when she is searched!
Her address is:
4341 SW 24th Street
Fort Lauderdale 33317
Thank you so much for this information!!!! I searched her email address and found this page. Thank you!
DeleteI just received the below email tonight on a poodle that I am trying to rehome that was found as a stray:
from: gallrock@comcast.com
used to work at a vet hopstial years ago now I work from home fixing computers I and I am home all the timeI can give a loving and forever home and you can even visit from time to time call me 954 5342656
ReplyDeletePlease read this information about where those cute puppies you want to buy from pet shops come from - and pass it on to everyone you know!
So, let's get this out of the way immediately - simply having 'European lines' does NOT, in any way, make a dog healthier. What makes a dog healthier is consistent health screening for genetic defects of the dogs used in a breeding program.
ReplyDeleteYou hit the nail on the head Truckload
DeleteI just got a response from gallrock to an notice I placed on craigslist about a dog I found. A cute dog and I included a photo. So she is still at it as of Feb 2012
ReplyDeleteJust received this tonight on a poodle that I am trying to rehome that was found as a stray:
Deletefrom: gallrock@comcast.com
used to work at a vet hopstial years ago now I work from home fixing computers I and I am home all the timeI can give a loving and forever home and you can even visit from time to time call me 954 5342656
She is not breaking any laws that I know of so legally stopping her may be impossible. But morally you can call her and leave a message that people are on to what she is doing. Not even sure that will do the job if she has no morals.
DeleteFor anyone looking to place a purebred dog, go to a breed rescue in your area, These rescues know a lot about a particular breed and go to great lengths to find the appropriate homes. Never advertise on Craig's list a live animal of any kind as you can see who comes out of the woodwork!
Thanks for the update!
ReplyDeleteDiana Peters is still at it but at a new address in dania beach 4511 sw 42 ave 33314 cell# 954 626 0708
ReplyDeleteDiana Peters just emailed me as well regarding a dog I found. Her number is 954 342 2656
ReplyDeleteThis lady is sick.
Just received this tonight on a poodle that I am trying to rehome that was found as a stray:
ReplyDeletefrom: gallrock@comcast.com
used to work at a vet hopstial years ago now I work from home fixing computers I and I am home all the timeI can give a loving and forever home and you can even visit from time to time call me 954 5342656
too bad this person does not google herself to find out that so many are on to her and she is probably one of the most not liked people in the dog world!
DeleteThis gallrock@comcast.net lady just e-mailed me today about my Dog.
ReplyDelete"I used to work at a vet hopstial years ago now I work from home fixing computers I and I am home all the timeI can give a loving and forever home and you can even visit from time to time call me 954 5342656
please send me pictures"
How can we stop her?
People have to stop buying online or over the phone and take a look at the place they are getting a dog from. Reputable breeders usually have a waiting line of clients that want their dogs , they don't sell to pet stores either., they don't meet you on the side of the road and the phone number is a legit number. Many get trac phones and use them then you can never get in touch with them again
DeleteJoy Thomas dba Thomas Terriers sells on line, owns a pet store and meets in restaurant parking.
DeleteI am do glad I googled this lady! As of today 8/13/12, she is still at it! I don't need to copy her email as its the same as everyone else's! I put my 1 year old purebred GS on there & she replied with the same BS! Well I emailed her back, telling her I've changed my mind & will now be charging a $500 rehoming fee! Let's see her response to that!!
ReplyDeleteThanks to 2ndchance! I am going to look into the breed rescue in my area! Thanks do much!
you are welcome
DeleteAdd t this list pick of the litter or breeder Kathy Jo Bauck
ReplyDeleteget directed here http://www.animalhumanesociety.org/prevention/keycases/2008puppymill
yes absolutely buyer beware if considering a puppy from Thomas Terriers. Love my Welsh and my Irish but have spent thousands of dollars in vet bills due to hip and allergy issues and they're not even three years old yet
ReplyDeleteLINDA GALL IS STILL POSTING ON CL!!! She has at least 9 dogs now she's selling!!! Awful!!!!! Her current phone numbers are 954-534-2656 and her son's apparently: 954-766-4895. http://miami.craigslist.org/brw/pet/4473707987.html http://miami.craigslist.org/brw/pet/4470100836.html
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update! Keep your eyes out when you look at Craig's list. This may be her source of income over a regular job!
ReplyDeleteI found a dog and received this email:
ReplyDeleteFrom: Kimberly <3ae30d11b6f9361e94b5a112e1782022@reply.craigslist.org>
To: h2mzq-4848762854@comm.craigslist.org
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2015 9:00 AM
Subject: found maltese?
Hi there I know I'm not the owner of the little guy. But I will definitely adopt in a second. for the past 2 years my husband and I have been talking about adding a fluffy member into our family.
To spoil to look after, and to provide a great loving home with bed, name tags, clothes, the best kind of food, and just lots of TLC.
I'm a mother of two wonderful kids (3 year old boy and 6 month old daughter) we live in a big house and with 1 acre of yard. We both work full time but I work at home to take care of my kids so if you're looking for someone that has time. We are the perfect fit.
There's also a vet that's 5 minutes away walking. So shot and check ups are not an issue.
We don't have any other pets in the house so the little one would be very spoiled.
We also have a dog park 10 minutes away and my husband and I take the kids to the park every Sunday for family day out. Activities is necessary in our daily lives.
What I'm looking for is a puppy (can be adult dog as well) small, medium, or large it doesn't matter because we have a big back yard and house but I am looking for an inside dog only because I don't like them living outside in the crazy, bipolar weather we have.
I'm looking for a dog that loves kids. Will not bite (aggressively) nibbling because he/she is teething is normal.
I want a dog that will sleep on the bed at night and cuddle with me.
Potty training, not necessarily needed only because I can train him myself.
We are home all day everyday so leaving him for hours in a day is unacceptable.
Anyways I know this is long but just letting you know about me and my family I hope you consider us.
Thank you for reading
Sent from my iPhone
Original craigslist post:
About craigslist mail:
Please flag unwanted messages (spam, scam, other):
Do not buy any dog from Thomas Terriers. You will only have veterinarian bills. Genetic hip problems. After reading this blog I know now that the breeder and the vet are well aware of the issues. BEWARE!
ReplyDeleteOH NO! I already bought a welsh terrier from Joy. I wish I had read this prior buying this. This sweet dog, Boo, she is wonderful personally but she has this ongoing itching allergies. Now, it makes senses. Sigh. breaks my heart. WE need to do something here to put a a stop. She is still selling them online as I checked in as I am in search for a second welsh.. now I find this forum. Sigh. Thanks for letting us know and I am doing this now to let you know I am one of them that got welsh through JT..