It’s the start of hurricane season as we watch Hurricane Irene barrel down the coast line. Obviously this can mean much damage for many. The loss of power, housing, or closed bridges and roads can all hinder your needs for the basics. Be prepared and stock up for yourself and your pets.
While Red Cross will care for humans they cannot take your pets. However if you live in Pennsylvania all counties have a State Animal Response Team to house and care for your pets for you through a disaster.
If you have pets and are expecting Irene, loss of power can mean no water. You will need to have a 3 day supply of food and water on hand.
For dogs, water needed is 1 ounce per pound of the dog's body weight. Cats: 1 to 6 ounces a day. Feeding moist food helps to get some liquid in a cat but is not enough.
Rather than rewrite what I have written previous to Irene I will direct you to sites that will help you know what to pack for yourself and your pets.
Keep in mind that any large tubs can be filled with water to flush down toilets (as can pool water) if the electric goes off. Filled tubs when kept clean can be used to fill water bowls for pets and any filled jug of clean water can be used for humans when it comes to basic grooming. Fill spray bottles of water for your hair as well. Powder can be used to absorb oil from the hair if you are unable to wash it for a few days. Keep carafes that you would use for coffee filled and on bathroom sinks for teeth brushing and washing and double up on deodorant!! Put all your meds in one ziplock bag so you can grab them on the way out if needed also write down a list of your meds and your allergies should you not be home at the time. Keep the list on your person or in your car in a zip lock baggie.
Also be mindful of what your pet is drinking from. Wild animals can carry parasites and protozoa which can be transmitted though drinking sources such as puddles, streams, and ponds so do not let your pet drink from any source other than what you have filled for them.
If possible when it comes to food try to pick up a bag of what the dog normally eats. If you can’t find that food available then know to possibly expect diarrhea for a couple of days while the dog adjusts to new food. If possible mix old and new together.
Any other helpful advice can be posted in the comments section below. Thanks!
Read both pages, information and resources are on page 2
For humans
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