Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Recalls in treats!

Did I call it or what?  Even though it has nothing to do with bits of plastic as the last recall did we haven't had the good ole fun that salmonella causes in a few months!  I am sure there will be more on the horizon!

General Kasel Associated Industries Products Affected Are:
 Bully sticks
smoked Beef Femur bone
American Flossie 
Pig ears
Chicken Jerky (you knew that was coming!)
Beef Ribs
American Beef Knuckle
Pork Femur
Salmon Jerky
Lamb Jerky
Buffalo Hearts
Beef Liver Jerky
Knee caps
Turkey Cubes
Pig Snouts
Turkey Jerky
Hearts of Lamb
Keep in  mind that salmonella can spread to people, most vulnerable are the elderly and children in the human category.  Always remember to wash your hands whenever you feed your dogs anything, it's just a good habit to get into because there will always be recalls for salmonella and life is too short to feel like you have these flu like symptoms all through the year! 

Don't forget if you have multiple pets that share a water bowl that can become contaminated also. Call your vet for treatment recommendations if you suspect your dog has this.

Symptoms in pets
Diarrhea with or without blood
abdominal pain

Salmonella in Humans ( you may need to seek your doc;s help)

Symptoms can show up 12 to 72 hours after contact
Abdominal cramps

For the full list and best used by dates click here

Until next time happy washing, scrubbing, and tossing!