Thursday, May 21, 2009

speaking of products

I would not waste any money on the new Zero Odor , which claims to be breakthrough technology and costs a whopping $19.99 (plus shipping ) It definitely does not seem to work any better than other urine eliminating cleaners you can find in grocery stores. Personally I like the woolite white foam or the pet & stain remover as it leaves a clean smell to the room.

zero odor website :(

Dog hair de-matting tool

For all of you that have long haired or double coated dogs I wanted to share a great tool with you. Having five Newfoundlands I would not be without it! It is far superior to any de-matting tool I have ever had and I even recommended it to my groomer! The furminator has nothing on this tool and in fact I would give the furminator two thumbs down. The Mars Coat King is by far a tool every owner of long haired breeds should have in their grooming box. Having such a large breed I use a twelve wide, but here is a site that will help you pick the right size and tell you how to use it.

You won't find this in a pet store, but dog catalogs such as pet edge will have it. It may seem a bit pricey, but well worth every Penny in getting out tangles and undercoat. Mine has lasted for three years, but it will soon be time to replace the blade. Of course I use mine on all my dogs so the use is pretty heavy!